New Trailer for Mistwalker RPG The Last Story

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.07.2010 9

New Trailer for Mistwalker RPG The Last Story on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has released a swanky new gameplay trailer for upcoming Mistwalker-developed Wii RPG, The Last Story.

The game revolves the leader of Luli Island who seeks power by using magical resources, neglecting his kingdom - which is buried in poverty and sorrow. The magic starts to attract monsters to the once peaceful town. It's up to you to save the day. See how the battle scheme works, as well as the gorgeous in-game engine in action in the latest trailer (via Kotaku).

Thanks to C3 reader meeteo_0 for the tip.

Box art for The Last Story





Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (7 Votes)

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Its looks prettier then xeno and the battle system looks interesting. Looks like a first day buy.

Note to Zelda team: you should aspire to make a town like the one towards the end of the trailer. A town isnt a castle and 10 homes.

Note to Square Enix: This is the kind of game I wanted from FFCC.

meeto_0 said:
Note to Zelda team: you should aspire to make a town like the one towards the end of the trailer. A town isnt a castle and 10 homes.

Note to Square Enix: This is the kind of game I wanted from FFCC.

LOL! Good notes, and very true - Zelda towns look ever-so generic, and a bit dull. Plus there should be more than 1 main town, instead of as you said - a castle and 10 homes.

It does look gorgeous, but design wise it does look a bit like a generic PC RPG. The sense of scale and detail is sweet though, especially characters and some life in the place.

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It is on the grey tone side of things. But I still think the game looks amazing and more importantly epic.

Zeldas sense of scale is really poor. The villages you visit dont feel like they house whole communities. Its a technical area nintendo struggle with when it comes to zelda.

Wow, looks fantastic, the whole stealth attacks look cool, hopefully theyre not too gimmicky, looks like theyre really pushing the hardware

This looks really impressive for a Wii game, definitely gonna keep an eye on this one.

The trailer looks good, but I'm not getting the scale of the town from those screens. Looks pretty much the same as Zelda TP's town looked to me in screenshots. (in terms of scale). Maybe even smaller then Majoras Mask.

Besides, whats important is how full up it is. Zelda isn't an RPG, and never just has 50 near identical house's with one NCP that ignores you while you rob there stuff. (and by "stuff" I mean money or identical weapons/Armour with just minor stat differences).

Zelda has to make each place you can enter unique in terms of what you can do there. Else its wasted development effort, imho. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
The trailer looks good, but I'm not getting the scale of the town from those screens. Looks pretty much the same as Zelda TP's town looked to me in screenshots. (in terms of scale). Maybe even smaller then Majoras Mask.

When he's running through the towns, you can see the map in the corner and the towns look pretty big. Much bigger than Zelda TPs and Majora's Mask's Clock town (is that what you were referring to as I can't remember any other towns in MM?). If you can enter most of the buildings then that's even more amazing.

Hopefully there's not much loading between areas like there are in Zelda and make each area bigger like in FF12.

Anyways, like you sais, Zelda doesn't really need massive towns. What it does need however is more to do within the areas it presents you. There was very little of worth to do in TP outside of the main game. Needs more rewarding side-quests like in MM.

Darkflame said:
The trailer looks good, but I'm not getting the scale of the town from those screens. Looks pretty much the same as Zelda TP's town looked to me in screenshots. (in terms of scale). Maybe even smaller then Majoras Mask.

Besides, whats important is how full up it is. Zelda isn't an RPG, and never just has 50 near identical house's with one NCP that ignores you while you rob there stuff. (and by "stuff" I mean money or identical weapons/Armour with just minor stat differences).

Zelda has to make each place you can enter unique in terms of what you can do there. Else its wasted development effort, imho.

I dont agree with your assessment. A town isnt distinctive because every house is different, distinction is determined by the running architecture through the town itself.

Zelda games get this right by creating a sense of vernacular architecture for the gorons and zoras. But these towns feel like they house 20 people at best. Its not a major problem but it contributes to making the world feel cramp. I would rather the FF approach to be honest (when you enter a main town) they feel fleshed out.

As for stealing stuff from homes: it better then getting 50 ruppees from exploring the zelda world. You cant even spend it on anything meaningful towards the end.

As ilfrit says above the town map give some idea how big the town is in the trailer. Even without the map the twon looks more intricate then zelda.

( Edited 10.07.2010 16:04 by meeto_0 )

its like star ocean game play with gears, and a hint of assassins creed. looks pretty bad ass.

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