Miyamoto Wants Pikmin 3 out ASAP

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.07.2010 18

Miyamoto Wants Pikmin 3 out ASAP on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a recent shareholder's meeting, Nintendo held a Q&A session with Shigeru Miyamto who expressed a desire to get Pikmin 3 out asap.

The famed Nintendo designed, father to the quirky Pikmin franchise, revealed that he wants to get the new and third entry out soon as it's been ten years since he started work on Pikmin and he feels it's time for something new.

Miyamoto has been known to pump his current and past interests into future games, with his new found fondness for cats apparently being the driving force behind introducing the felines into nintendogs. He's also been swimming a lot...

According to Andriasang he was also questioned as to whether the company has plans to build a theme park. The answer, unfortunately, is no and even if Nintendo did venture into that area he feels it should not be similar to the current design (e.g. Disneyland).

Box art for Pikmin 3








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Does this mean he's lost interest in Pikmin? After Pikmin 3 does this mean we won't see the franchise again for a while?

I sure hope not...

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darkflame (guest) 01.07.2010#2

something new is always good.

Anyway,a Nintendo theme park would be better modelled on Futuroscope in france.

Geowolf (guest) 01.07.2010#3

A nintendo theme park! Surely would have to be built over the Galapagos islands and involve jumping on turtles.

A theme park should not be built. All they do is attract chavs, destroy green land. Ans are unsightly

Forget Pikmin, I want a Nintendo themepark! Smilie

Does any remember those plans some guy had to build a Mario ride thing? If I remember right, he wanted to basically build the first level for a person to run through. The person also would wear a harness with wires and pulleys so he could jump like Mario.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

YES! Pikmin 3 can't come soon enough! Smilie

...now release New Play Conrol! Pikmin 2 in the US, already... Smilie

( Edited 01.07.2010 17:55 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

I also want Pikmin 3 out there before the end of 2011. Also would be nice to get New Play Control Pikmin 2 and Chibi Robo as well. Already own them but I liked what they did with NPCP, which I got for 20 bucks, and the sequel is even better since it does not contain the time limit of the first one.

SuperLink said:
Does this mean he's lost interest in Pikmin? After Pikmin 3 does this mean we won't see the franchise again for a while?

I sure hope not...

More likely, he wants to finish this game because he has an idea he wants to get to. But I don't think that means he or the company would be done with the series after that. I remember hearing about his interest in doing a handheld Pikmin; I'd like to think that can still happen.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

A new Nintendo character is a good idea.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

SuperLink said:
Does this mean he's lost interest in Pikmin? After Pikmin 3 does this mean we won't see the franchise again for a while?

I sure hope not...

It's not a series with the capability to expand like a Mario/Zelda - I think three is enough really.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

Nintendo theme park would be pretty amazing if you ask me.. Star Fox simulator, Walk around Hyrule Castle, Mario-themed obstacle course, REAL LIFE MARIO KART!, Metroid-themed laser tag... Nah, none of this is going to happen.

As far as Pikmin goes, I would like to see one released on a handheld system (the 3DS, preferably) but like TheStratMan said, you can't really expand on it.

Ive been playing endless ocean on wii and starfy on DS recently and was thinking about a 3D starfy game on wii, but ill take a new Miyamoto character anyday. Bout time for a new franchise

TheStratMan said:
It's not a series with the capability to expand like a Mario/Zelda - I think three is enough really.

Really? I think absolutely any franchise can expand, and people would be happy if StarFox or Kirby were the same thing over and over.

It would just be a huge shame for Pikmin to be the only big Nintendo franchise for them to just say "ok it's over lol" about. I mean they even revived Kid Icarus after 19 years, I don't see why Pikmin alone has to "end".

( Edited 01.07.2010 20:25 by SuperLink )

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I was never fond of Pikmin, but hopefully the new game is different enough. Perhaps it could take place in a semi-urban setting instead of in the woods or caves.

Real-Time Strategy games alone don't often provide for much expansion, but Nintendo can find a way. Look how long fighting games were around before Nintendo completely reinvented them with Super Smash Bros. Nintendo is quite good at putting new spins on old genres. I'm sure they can come up with something.

( Edited 01.07.2010 21:27 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

I'm just happy we're even getting a 3rd Pikmin. Smilie I still haven't finished the second game. It's on my list of 'games to complete'. Smilie

( Edited 01.07.2010 21:40 by Ifrit XXII )

TheStratMan said:
SuperLink said:
Does this mean he's lost interest in Pikmin? After Pikmin 3 does this mean we won't see the franchise again for a while?

I sure hope not...

It's not a series with the capability to expand like a Mario/Zelda - I think three is enough really.

Well, you never really know. I remember the exact same thing being said for the Metroid series after Super Metroid was released. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Ifrit XXII said:
I'm just happy we're even getting a 3rd Pikmin. Smilie I still haven't finished the second game. It's on my list of 'games to complete'. Smilie

I just got pikmin 2 the other day. When I fought the giant caterpillar for the first time it just rolled over and killed ALL my pikmin expect for one, who died soon after. I was like WTF!? Smilie

I love pikmin though, and this should be awesome too. I hope the controls use the Wii-mote effectively.

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