meeto_0 said:
justonesp00lturn said:
I want to know who's directing it. And I'd like story info, including who's behind it.
Resident Evil 5 had a completely ridiculous story. It was beyond stupid. I hope they do better with this game.
I still dont get why people are so bothered about the story. They are either cliched or just stupid. RE4 the best game of the series had a very forgettable story (thats bound to happen when the presidents daughter is mixed up with possessed Spanish people.)
The voice acting has come on leaps and bounds since the comical IS.THIS.CHRIS's.BLOOD. but is still poor. Its about the set scenes, the tip to hollywood or the atmosphere depending if you like RE4 more to RE1-3
RE4's story was forgettable? tell that to the Universal acclaim it received.
In any case, at least it didn't have you chasing around a "mystery woman" for 75% of the game, dropping clue after clue after obvious clue that it was Jill, only to have the characters on-screen finally faced with her, and even then take another few minutes on-screen to figure out it's Jill. Not to mention, RE4 didn't reveal Leon to have taken six years' worth of steroids so he could push a mountain out of the way at the end of the game. And the entire final boss fight in RE5 was ridiculous. You have to blow Wesker up, drop him into the center of a volcano, and then blow him up again! And I'll bet he still comes back, too.
I'm not saying RE4 had an incredibly original or compelling storyline, but at least it had one that worked within its own context. RE5 made little sense even played separately from the rest of the series. I should know; I played it with my friend (since it's pretty much impossible to play single-player) and he's never played a game in the series before, and he had no idea what was going on even regarding events that happen only in RE5 and have no bearing or reference to the rest of the series at all.
As far as voice acting goes, I'm not really sure what that had to do with anything I said, but the acting in both RE4 and RE5 is just fine. Some of the dialogue in both games blows, but dialogue =/= voice acting. Paul Mercier doesn't get paid to rewrite the lines he thinks are stupid, he gets paid to say them. But that doesn't mean he did a bad job. Go up to anyone who's played the game and say "Hey, the dude who plays Leon also plays The Merchant" and watch as their minds are blown. The voice acting in both games was good.
As for the last sentence you wrote, I don't even know what that means, so I can't really respond to it.
Honestly, though, the Chronicles games were better than RE5, in terms of story. When you play Darkside Chronicles as Krauser, and you really get inside his head and learn why he goes down the path which leads to RE4, it's mind-blowing. I hate rail shooters, and I didn't much care for either Chronicles game, but they're hands-down better than RE5 when it comes to storytelling.
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