E310 Media | Shaun White Swaps Snowboards For Skateboards

By Mike Mason 15.06.2010

E310 Media | Shaun White Swaps Snowboards For Skateboards on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Eager to have a pop at Tony Hawk's gap in the market, Ubisoft will be releasing Shaun White Skateboarding later on this year. The star, more famous for having his feet attached to a snowboard than a skateboard, will be helping players to bring dull districts of a grey city to life through the wonders of skateboarding.

When we say that, we mean literally. As players improve their game and perform ever-more creative tricks on their bits of wood with wheels, the city will transform. Streets become ramps, disused fountains become bowls for you to roll around in, and buildings themselves will morph.

Get as creative as you possibly can and you'll be rewarded with mysterious points, new gear and new areas to perform in. The game's 80 tricks have been selected by Shaun White, including a creation of his own known as the 'Armadillo', and players will be able to play online competitively or co-operatively, too.

Image for E310 Media | Shaun White Swaps Snowboards For Skateboards

Image for E310 Media | Shaun White Swaps Snowboards For Skateboards

Shaun White Skateboarding will be released on Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3 towards the end of 2010. Check out our media album for more screenshots for now.

Will you be giving this a try, or do your loyalties already lie with Tony Hawk or Skate?

Box art for Shaun White Skateboarding








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