E310 | Telltale Retell Jurassic Park, Back to the Future

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2010 4

E310 | Telltale Retell Jurassic Park, Back to the Future on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Adventure game experts Telltale are continuing the episodic approach with games based on Back to the Future and Jurassic Park.

Both film trilogies, in particular the first entries, were well received with critics, fans and at the box office and Telltale Games wants to resurrect the franchises into episodic adventures on Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Mac for a release this winter.

I think it's a prime time to reintroduce these properties in the digital world. Telltale Games has always set out to be a great storytelling company. We've been honing our chops over the past six years, and we're ready to take on these two iconic properties and continue to advance storytelling in games.

Dan Connors, CEO Telltale Games

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:O Sounds awesome to me, love those films. ^_^ Will be keeping an eye on this.

Telltale seem to be able to do little wrong lately, and those are two iconic movies, so why not? If they are good I'll happily buy them, I loved Strong Bad and Tales of Monkey Island.

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I hope they're not going to cartoonize Jurassic Park. I also hope it won't be 50% humor, 40% puzzling, 5% adventure, 5% action.

Sounds rubbish. They were trying to start a fourth Back to the Future film years ago, and after failing, I guess they went down the 'make a video game' route.

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