E310 | Rising Star Brings Ivy the Kiwi to EU

By Adam Riley 10.06.2010 5

E310 | Rising Star Brings Ivy the Kiwi to EU on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rising Star Games has announced that it will publish Sonic creator Yuji Naka's 'Ivy the Kiwi?' on Nintendo formats.

Ivy the Kiwi? follows the storybook adventures of a lonely baby bird as she traverses beautiful 2-D landscapes and challenging obstacles in search of her mother. Players guide Ivy through her daunting journey utilising a unique control scheme: vines created and controlled by the player who aims to collect feathers to boost his score.

There are over 100 stages for DS and Wii, and multiplayer modes are available. Uniquely, special 'Mini' versions of the game will also be available on DSiWare and WiiWare, comprised of 50 levels each.

We're elated to work on a game that's so closely associated with Yuji Naka. I'm delighted we've managed to scoop the European rights. We hope to see Ivy the Kiwi? reach out to fans the way a little blue hedgehog did all those years ago.
- Martin Defries, Managing Director, Rising Star Games.

Ivy the Kiwi? Will be released throughout Europe this Autumn, courtesy of Rising Star Games.

Box art for Ivy the Kiwi?



Rising Star





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I wonder why SEGA aren't publishing this Smilie Very nice of Rising Star to do it though, I'm kinda interested in how this turns out.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Bandai Namco published in Japan, XSEED is doing the US, RSG for EU Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
Bandai Namco published in Japan, XSEED is doing the US, RSG for EU Smilie

So Prope is no longer part of SEGA?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
jesusraz said:
Bandai Namco published in Japan, XSEED is doing the US, RSG for EU Smilie

So Prope is no longer part of SEGA?

SEGA helped fund the company, and I think pretty much has first refusal on the team's projects. It doesn't necessarily own the company or have to take each and every project under its wing.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

SuperLink said:
jesusraz said:
Bandai Namco published in Japan, XSEED is doing the US, RSG for EU Smilie

So Prope is no longer part of SEGA?

It never was. Always helped by SEGA, never a part of it. Prope's independent, they just have an agreement with SEGA that they get first refusal as Monsieur 'Raz says.

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