E310 | New Kingdom Hearts for Portables?

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.06.2010 10

E310 | New Kingdom Hearts for Portables? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

An interview with Kingdom Hearts director Tetsuya Nomura, a new entry in the series will be announced at E3 2010.

Speaking in the latest edition of GameInformer (via NeoGAF), Nomura confirmed that one of the two projects he's been involved with will be revealed this month in Los Angeles.

It's strongly suggested that the new game will not be on HD consoles, Wii or the iPhone - pointing strongly at the DS, PSP or even Nintendo's latest offspring, the 3DS.

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That's weird... I was really expecting the next title to be Kingdom Hearts III.

Maybe they're saving that for TGS or something. All I know is that Nomura is working on quite a few projects atm. (Two of which I'm assuming are KHIII and the FFVII remake)

But he has confirmed that there are 3 more KH titles on the way, including KHIII (which will be the final game of the Xehanort saga).

EDIT: I think I know what it is...
It may not be "new", but KH: Coded still needs to be localised, and a handheld release with all the episodes is very probable.

So I'm thinking there will be another KH game shown at E3 (KHIII)

( Edited 07.06.2010 14:52 by SuperLink )

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They need to stop over complicating the series with more and more characters. Finish their stories already and start anew. The first game was fun. Chain of Memories was interesting but the Organisation XIII and the second game started to side track too much with Roxas, the real Ansem/DiZ, Riku with Ansem's face (Ansem being Xenohart's heartless using Ansem's name Smilie) and the Nobodies.

358/2 Days was a bore and just reading about the story in Birth by Sleep gives me a headache. Smilie

Sometimes I think the Organisation XIII were created just so that Tetsuya could show off the number of Spiky hair styles he could design. Plus ZIPS!! Smilie

*Remembers a time when I understood what Kingdom Hearts was about* Smilie

( Edited 07.06.2010 16:50 by Ifrit XXII )

I kinda like that it's complicated, but I do think there are now too many pointless story elements. KHIII will conclude the current story arc and hopefully things will be a bit more fresh after that.

Also Org. XIII was just an excuse for Nomura to make yaoi bait show off spiky hair.

I think BbS sounds much better written than 358/2 Days but I'll have to wait for it to come out before I judge it.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

So, will KH III be a Wii esclusive this gen? The last two were on PS2 in the same way that Dragon Quest has always been on the console with the more units out there so it makes sense to develop for Wii.

EdEN said:
So, will KH III be a Wii esclusive this gen? The last two were on PS2 in the same way that Dragon Quest has always been on the console with the more units out there so it makes sense to develop for Wii.

Nope, the bigger KH projects this gen so far have been on PSP, whereas DQ had a lot of DS games, which is why DQX on Wii isn't that surprising.

I still think KHIII will be a PS3 exclusive.

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3DS please! And please be much better than 358/2 Days

"Do a Barrel Roll!"
maia jones (guest) 08.06.2010#7

I really hope they make another hearts for the hand held because I am really enjoying kingdom hearts I 358/2days for dsi/ds, this is my first time ever playing A KINGDOM HEARTS GAME, but I really love it and I plan on getting kingdom hearts birth by sleep for the psp which comes out this fall I already preodered my copy at gamestop. and can't wait to play it the only thing is that I won't be able to play it as much because I will be in college but inbetwwen studing I will play as I can. without making my grades suffer Smilie

Nomura is a Playstation man, hes said it himself. Hes also stated not long ago that he had 3 new KH games in the pipeline, and no im not talking about Coded/358/2 days or Birth by Sleep, one was KH3 which is the end of the Sora trilogy and the other two were side games expanding the story, ill try find the link

vivisapprentice said:
Nomura is a Playstation man, hes said it himself. Hes also stated not long ago that he had 3 new KH games in the pipeline, and no im not talking about Coded/358/2 days or Birth by Sleep, one was KH3 which is the end of the Sora trilogy and the other two were side games expanding the story, ill try find the link

I know the interview you mean.

So yeah, about that "new" portable KH game
Just as I expected, it's a version of coded intended for International release.
What I DIDN'T expect was a DS release! Can't imagine Nomura is too happy with this.

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That KH Fan (guest) 26.10.2010#10

Well, it's practically confirmed now that it's

Kingdom Hearts 3D, and Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded

I really do wonder what the future of the series is going to bring. It could be pretty interesting.

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