Super Mario Galaxy 2 Launch Events Around The UK

By 03.06.2010 2

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Launch Events Around The UK on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

So close, yet still a little too far, Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be hitting stores across Europe in just over a weeks time. To celebrate the games release, a midnight launch event will be taking place in Oxford Street, London. Other major cities across the UK will also have events running, during the course of it release. Not only that, but goodies will be handed out, along with the chance to meet Mario's voice-actor, Charles Martinet.

The big midnight launch event in London will be held at GAME in Oxford Street. The event starts at 11pm and looks to be a fun packed night with a chance to meet Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario and also receive an exclusive goody bag. Although it's only for the first 50 people to attend the launch, dressed as Mario.

Mario fans can also get their copy of the game or merchandise signed by Charles.

Thursday 10th June 2010

Time: 11pm until 1am
Address: GAME, 100 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1LL
Entry: Free to everyone

If you can't get down to London for the launch event, no need to worry though. Since Nintendo will be holding events in Glasgow, Birmingham, Leeds and Dublin. More information can be found below.

Friday 11th June - Sunday 13th June

Gamestation Birmingham
Address: 138 New Street, B2 4NS
Argos Leeds
Address: Unit 2, The Gantry, 22-26 The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 8EQ
HMV Glasgow
Address: 235 Buchanan St, Glasgow, G1 2NG
Smyths Dublin
Address: Unit 424, Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin 15

Will you be attending any of the events?

Thanks to Girl Gamers UK

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





3D Platformer



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Is Charles Martinet coming to Dublin too? Its about time these events actually go outside of the UK and Come to Ireland too.

Angus said:
Is Charles Martinet coming to Dublin too? Its about time these events actually go outside of the UK and Come to Ireland too.

On Charles Twitter, he's only mentioned about coming to London.

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