New Legend of Zelda Wii Rumours

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.05.2010 35

New Legend of Zelda Wii Rumours on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the first public glimpse at the new Legend of Zelda game for Wii bound for this year’s E3 Expo, rumours have started to flood in.

Previous titles in the series had trailers, screenshots and artwork shown at key events, namely E3 and GDC. Aside from a single piece of concept art, little is known about Miyamoto and co's latest Zelda chapter. That said, it hasn't stopped sites like the notorious 2ch from posting unconfirmed facts about the game, including tidbits about time travel and weapon use.

The following is unconfirmed and may be considered spoiler.

What do you think about the latest batch of rumours - does this sound like your ideal Zelda adventure?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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Nothing seems too outrageous and I would look forward to it if these rumors were true.

all sounds nice apart from

( Edited 27.05.2010 19:53 by Jump_button )

What I really want to know is have they finally included the much needed voice acting? Nintendo's first party developed franchises need to be dragged into the 21st Century in order to keep up presentation-wise (I have no problems with the gameplay aspect).

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Voice acting would suck and would just be a complaint by all the gamers. This series is not realistic enough or story heavy enough to need voice acting.

Here's a pic I found on another forum. It could be anything though, so don't take it too seriously.

( Edited 27.05.2010 20:01 by PMD )

Nothing too spoilerific... I'd be very happy if most of those were true.

I definitely agree with Lynk about voice acting. There's nothing stopping Nintendo from hiring some real quality voice actors to finally bring Zelda out of the past and make it more of a story oriented adventure.

Noone would complain if the VA was actually good.

PMD: That screen looks far too much like TP, I hope it's fake.

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PMD - I'm pretty sure that image was done as a mockup by one of the Zelda forums as to what weapon Link would be using.

Do hope for the bigger emphasis on swordplay, and the whole flying bit. There definitely needs to be a stronger focus on story and character development, it should be an adventure, not a series of action puzzles.

As for VA, I'm indifferent to Zelda having a voice, Link doesn't really need it, but it would be ideal for NPCs to have some form of language.

( Edited 27.05.2010 20:14 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I want a jump button. Combat would be much better if you could jump and slash enemies in the air and would also allow for a better platforming experience.

All this time and Link is still glued to the floor. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
I want a jump button. Combat would be much better if you could jump and slash enemies in the air and would also allow for a better platforming experience.

All this time and Link is still glued to the floor. Smilie

Roc's Feather must return Smilie

Again on voice acting: Link doesn't need a voice, but more RPG style multiple choice answers to give Link more of a personality (like in Link's Awakening) would be great.
The rest of the cast needs some kind of VA though, Twilight Princess felt aged from the moment I watched the first cutscene. I guess I was just so used to every other story focused game I played having VA.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Hmmm Voice acting in Nintendo games is an interesting point.

Samus seems to be getting more vocal by iteration.

Mario,Peach and Luigi have tid bits of voices (who could forget Bowser and Baby Bowsers voices from Sunshine??)

The StarFox series came out of jibberish (Lylat) to English, many dislike and many like...i guess Nintendo havnt really controlled the series properly in over 13 years now, so this hasnt really been their area.

How about the DK family? I honestly can't remember if they speak or not.

I think what we have to remember is that great games have been made before without the use of voice acting! In fact part of the imagination is to create those voices in your head! Not an issue for me and i doubt its an issue for many either!

White Ranger said:
I think what we have to remember is that great games have been made before without the use of voice acting! In fact part of the imagination is to create those voices in your head! Not an issue for me and i doubt its an issue for many either!

Great games have also been made without online or multiplayer modes of any sort. Gaming isn't the same now as it was 20 years ago. It has to evolve someday, even if Nintendo are the last to accept that.

Voice acting is an important step in making a series more story based, and Miyamoto himself has said that Zelda is a series that needs a good story.

( Edited 27.05.2010 20:40 by SuperLink )

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Gee... It sure is boring around here Smilie .

(sorry it had to come out Smilie )

( Edited 27.05.2010 20:41 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Mah boi, voice acting is what all true Zelda fans strive for!

Time travel was executed brilliantly in both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I would definitely welcome its return. And please yes to the MM styled sidequests and more character interaction - it's what Zelda should be all about and lacked so much of in Twilight Princess, which made me quite disappointed.

Agree on the points of VA. It can be done well if developers put the effort in. But a quality gaming franchise like Zelda needs quality VA if it is to implement that. Nintendo (and gamers) have always said Link should stay the silent protagonist, but there's nothing wrong with giving the other characters voices. I would be happy to see the Zelda series move ahead with it.

The one point that worries me - players having to go from one dungeon straight to the next. It says for one portion of the game, so let's hope it stays like that. The exploration in between dungeons is what I love about Zelda so much, and is something MM did perfectly.

Nothing sounds too farfetched though - could very well be true.

Azuardo said:
The one point that worries me - players having to go from one dungeon straight to the next. It says for one portion of the game, so let's hope it stays like that. The exploration in between dungeons is what I love about Zelda so much, and is something MM did perfectly.

Think Okami, an unpredictable game formula.

AKA better than anything any other Zelda has done before.

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Guest 28.05.2010#15

No dungeons please. And I don't want to overthrow an evil man who wants to take over the world and I'm the only one who can save it.
No upgrading items like three versions of sword, wallet or arrows. No gimmick travel method. And no collecting of lifeforce pieces so I can look forward to getting a little stronger everytime.

Basically, I shouldn't play Zelda. Why did I buy Spirit Tracks again. :/

White Ranger said:

In fact part of the imagination is to create those voices in your head! Not an issue for me and i doubt its an issue for many either!

Not an issue for me, I like imagining what the characters' voices would sound like. Smilie
And personally I think VA in Zelda would spoil it, unless it was all just spoken in Hylian. (Kinda like in Sims with the Simolian language or whatever it's called)

Anyone who thinks VA would ruin Zelda simply hasn't played any games with actual good VA. Smilie

( Edited 27.05.2010 21:01 by SuperLink )

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Guest (guest) 28.05.2010#18

SuperLink said:
Voice acting is an important step in making a series more story based, and Miyamoto himself has said that Zelda is a series that needs a good story.

It's true, voice acting is necessary to improve story. Never mind the fact that novels tell better stories than video games without any images or voice overs. [/sarcasm]

Seriously, VA is unrelated to how good the story is. And don't expect VA, because it likely won't happen.

SuperLink said:
Anyone who thinks VA would ruin Zelda simply hasn't played any games with actual good VA. Smilie

I have played games with good VA, I'm just saying.. Zelda is mostly set in Hyrule and in Hyrule the characters speak Hylian so it would just be weird to have them talking in English language. Smilie

Guest (guest) said:
It's true, voice acting is necessary to improve story. Never mind the fact that novels tell better stories than video games without any images or voice overs. [/sarcasm]

Seriously, VA is unrelated to how good the story is. And don't expect VA, because it likely won't happen.

No it's not directly related to story quality (although all the best game plots are in games that are partly or fully voiced)
Games have been becoming cinematic experiences, and clearly books can't. If important things are happening on the screen, why would you want to keep looking away so you can read the bloody walls of text? You'll miss all the action!

Mush123 said:

I have played games with good VA, I'm just saying.. Zelda is mostly set in Hyrule and in Hyrule the characters speak Hylian so it would just be weird to have them talking in English language. Smilie

The characters in Persona games are Japanese, they live in a Japanese town, they celebrate Japanese customs, they say they're speaking Japanese, they use Japanese honorifics, but the VA is still in English in the English version of the games.

Not to mention generally high quality VA.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:

The characters in Persona games are Japanese, they live in a Japanese town, they celebrate Japanese customs, they say they're speaking Japanese, they use Japanese honorifics, but the VA is still in English in the English version of the games.

Not to mention generally high quality VA.

Well, I guess this means it'll be alright for the characters to speak English then. Smilie But why so many years down the line when they could've done it in Ocarina?

In that respect Mush, the text boxes should just be in Hylian also then ;P

EDIT: And I'm pretty sure back then it would have:

A) Cost a heck of a lot to put VA into a game.
B) Cause delays for the game to release.
C) Take up way too much space on the cartridge.

Not even Final Fantasy's 7 to 9 used VA back then. It's only really been since the Dreamcast/PS2 came out that VA started to kick in.

Haha Bart. I do feel you there. Zelda just needs a bit of a change up, that's all. I refer back to Majora's Mask a lot, but it's one game that shows Zelda can succeed in the story department without having anything to do with Ganondorf or Princess Zelda. It's a game that proves that Zelda can be bloody awesome with a bit of change.

Wallet/bomb/arrow upgrades in games like ALttP and OoT usually helped you out a lot. But I don't think there was any point to upgrading your wallet in Twilight Princess, as far as I remember. I don't think things like that will disappear from Zelda, but at least make the upgrades worthwhile throughout the game and make them work hard for it.

( Edited 27.05.2010 21:37 by Azuardo )

Mush123 said:

Well, I guess this means it'll be alright for the characters to speak English then. Smilie But why so many years down the line when they could've done it in Ocarina?

The same reason they still use MIDI for the music and the same plot formula over and over again.

Azuardo said:
I refer back to Majora's Mask a lot, but it's one game that shows Zelda can succeed in the story department without having anything to do with Ganondorf or Princess Zelda. It's a game that proves that Zelda can be bloody awesome with a bit of change.

Exactly, infact I want Zelda Wii to be Ganonless, and have a much more interesting story instead.

It can only have Zelda if she's adorable and actually interesting like ST Zelda. Serious boring Zelda from OoT and TP sucks.

Also I want weapon upgrades back. Remember how much you could upgrade the shit out of everything in LA and the Oracle games? So many secrets all over the place D:

( Edited 27.05.2010 21:38 by SuperLink )

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SL, now you're making me realise again why I was so disappointed with TP D: Princess Zelda seemed badass the first time we meet her. I proper through we'd either see her in action or play as her at some point, what with the sword we always saw her with. But no, she becomes the damsel in distress again, and there was never any hint in the game that suggested she went into the hands of Ganon. That really confused me.

I think Nintendo know the series needs a bit of a change/kick up the arse, so I am really hoping they refer to the likes of Majora's Mask to get some inspiration.

Ahh, the Oracle games are some of my fave ever games. Could easily have placed them in my top 3 list (one Zelda is enough though lol). Lots of character interaction and tons of items and amazing puzzles and dungeons. And a pretty damn good story considering. It didn't rely on the Ganon/Princess Zelda element until the final stages, so it had a lot going for it storywise.

I really think Capcom should be hired to help out on a future 3D Zelda.

Definitely agree with the need to shake things up Zelda wise. That story is so recycled its unbelievable. Castle, princess, bad guy, hero.

Link should really be heading to a new world - sure you can draw inspiration from past Hyrule, but really he needs to take a long needed vacation.

Agree definitely on the upgradable weapons - make some optional too, so can be a true reward for slogging it out through sidequests and really earning these enhancements. Definitely felt rewarded when getting the Biggoron sword in OOT and the Razor/Guilded swords in Majora's.

I think the main focus really needs to be:
- Story & characters
- Overworld
- Sidequests

They spend so much time on the dungeons, which are still pretty solidly built. The TP levels were similar in structure to those in MM/OOT/WWm but were still a challenge. That said it would be nice to shake things up a bit, where you'd need to return to past locations/find something new - sure heart pieces/skulltullas were good to hunt out in existing dungeons, but there can be more.

The Ice Mansion place in TP was excellent, loved the setup - although it had all the key (ba-dum-ch) elements, it was a refreshing and much much needed change from the Fire, Forest, Water etc temples.

TP had loads of potential with Midna and the beginning story, then it dwindled off into the same old shizzle.

It's funny how the whole 3 pieces, twist/something happens, more emblems, Ganon formula seems to come about because of OTT but it's been there since 1991 with A Link to the Past on the SNES and recycled for almost 2 decades.

ANNNNYWAY, let's just hope they really refresh things this time round.

( Edited 27.05.2010 22:01 by jb )

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