Rock Band 3 to include Keyboards?

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.05.2010 9

Rock Band 3 to include Keyboards? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

We've now got drums, bass and vocals as standard in music games and with Rock Band 3 promising more, will we now get keyboard?

According to GoNintendo, the demo for Green Day: Rock Band contained a teaser image for what's clearly Rock band 3, and an icon for what looks like keyboards.

Image for Rock Band 3 to include Keyboards?

We're thinking a piece of rectangular plastic with several coloured keys, or a mini-keyboard with an octave or two of regular black/white notes. However to keep things simple, it's likely to be the former option.

Do you think having keyboards in Rock Band can add to the concept?

Box art for Green Day: Rock Band








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Hmm, this has got me interested.

Sweet! This just adds to the party Smilie

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X_$ (guest) 26.05.2010#3

It will be crap like just a different way of playing the guitar Smilie

I actually don't care for this idea at all. I'm already not a big fan of keyboard-heavy music, and if they include it as an instrument, either they have to make shit up, or select a ton of keyboard-heavy songs.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Awww...That means they can't sneak in any keyboard work in the Guitar parts...

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I'd prefer a real keyboard game, something that teaches me how to play the keys.

This is great news!

I hear Rock Band 4 is in the works as well and it actually comes with friends to play with.

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">
Guest 27.05.2010#8

Canyarion said:
I'd prefer a real keyboard game, something that teaches me how to play the keys.

There's loads of tutorials on youtube on how to play all kinds of songs. Just pick one, surely that's as fun as a keyboard game? You'll just have to think the 'You rock!' part yourself though. Smilie

MightyHorace said:I hear Rock Band 4 is in the works as well and it actually comes with friends to play with.


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