Warner Bros. Announces Super Scribblenauts

By Calum Peak 18.05.2010 9

Warner Bros. Announces Super Scribblenauts on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have announced that they will be bringing Super Scribblenauts to the DS, the sequel to the intuitive puzzle solver Scribblenauts, which had players creating all manner of objects and has sold more than 1.1 million units worldwide. Originally developed by 5th Cell, players were able to use the Stylus to help the games hero, Maxwell, on his quest to gather up the starites.

Set to be arriving autumn 2010, Super Scribblenauts will take the previous gaming element of being able to create near enough anything by written input, but will expand on the past iteration by improving the controls and offering many new features such as the ability to modify objects in any way they desire by using adjectives. This will allow the player to change the colour, size, style and behaviour (as well as many other aspects) of the object. Multiple adjectives can also be combined to produce some interesting effects such as creating gentlemanly, flaming flying zombies or obese, winged elephants. Super Scribblenauts will let players imaginations run wild even more than before by taking control of the past hero, Maxwell, in his quest for the starites by solving even more puzzles and robust challenges on all new levels.

Did you play the first Scribblenauts? Did you enjoy it? What improvements would you like to see? Will you be picking Super Scribblenauts up?

Box art for Super Scribblenauts


Warner Bros.


2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I heard 5th Cell were making a new Scribblenauts, I don't know how they'll change it to keep it from being the same game though. We'll see what happens, I guess.

The whole adjectives aspect seems pretty neat though. I'm gonna have to keep following the news on this one, since I loved the first. Even if it did get boring after a while.

( Edited 15.12.2012 23:56 by Guest )

They've also added button support, so those who found touch control very awkward can put their minds at ease, D-Pad for moving Maxwell, and there's a button for jumping too.

Really they could infinitely improve on the first game by adding more item interactions, because there are some items which should react to each other... but don't. Also the Action Stages need to be made much more imaginative and less repetitive/annoying.

As long as they fix a few of these flaws I'll probably enjoy it just as much as the first game, if not more.

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Great that they added D-Pad support, the only one of my major problems with the game. I would also like to see a few more memes in this one, since that was a fun addition to the first game.

Other than the things SuperLink has stated, I think that's about it. Let's hope Super Scribblenauts will be as enjoyable as the original.

Sounds good, really like the Scribblenauts concept Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I can't imagine how they'll incorporate adjectives, but I'm excited.

I have a friend is dreaming of ideas like instead of just having a T-Rex, you can make a "rotund T-Rex," or instead of zombie, a "passive-aggressive zombie." Oh yeah.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I hope they're not being overly ambitious. They had a great game before, just with some substantial rough edges to smooth out.

None-the-less I'm excited! As many permutations as there were before, adjectives makes things many times more complicated. Hopefully they pull it off!

Whose with me in suggesting a vulgar words pack that you can purchase. I would pay top dollar for that! Smilie

But in all serious, I view Scribblenauts as a basic ground work for this game here. I hope it fixes all the physic problems and just is overall a better game. The last game was revolutionary, but got old after awhile.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09
darkflame (guest) 19.05.2010#8

Bigger levels, and much more -restrictions- in requirements.
The problem with the first it was so much amazing freedom it made it too easy.
Lets have varying challanges this time; You can only use words starting with a certain letter on some levels (randomised), or you can only use 100% new objects etc.
Maybe a level with objects already, but you can change them to other objects by substitute the right letters.
(could make some real head-scratchers that I think).

It was nice to get badges last time, but the structure of the game as lacking.
How about a big Metroid-esq hub system?

By all means I want the cool freedom too, but I think the challange factor has to go up significantly.
More varied challanges per level.

your text here
brilliant game... cool about the adjectives.


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