Solarobo Shines onto Nintendo DS

By Adam Riley 19.04.2010 2

Solarobo Shines onto Nintendo DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

CyberConnect2 has finally confirmed its first Nintendo DS project as being a game entitled Solarobo that will be published in Japan later this year by Bandai Namco. The team behind the .hack series, has lifted the lid on its new action game with the main star being none other than a robot. Solarobo marks the 15th anniversary of the developer and looks very reminiscent of CyberConnect2's first release, the 1998 PlayStation game Tail Concerto (the intro of which can be seen here).

Solarobo's official website gives off the feel of a spiritual successor to Tail Concerto, whilst also may well have some aspects that look similar to the .hack games that have been so popular on the PlayStation 2 and, more recently, the PlayStation Portable, with .hack// Link. This DS adventure is set to the backdrop of floating islands where humans with dog- and cat-like features have joined forces to make the world a better place. Players take the role of Red Savarin in this 3D action adventure, with the canine bounty hunter, his sister (Chocolat) and personal robot, DAHAK-AZI03, taking on numerous jobs and fighting mech-enemies.

I'm not joking when I say that this game's been in conception for ten years and in development for three. Crazy, isn't it? Three years for a Nintendo DS game! I'm impressed Namco Bandai waited that long for us. You fight battles while piloting your robot, but the DAHAK doesn't have any weapons. You use it to pick up big things and throw them, or grab enemy missiles out of the air and throw them back, and so on. You can also pick up and throw the enemies themselves and damage them that way. It's easier to do this if you can get behind their back and mash the DS buttons, but it's a difficult task from the front.
- Hiroshi Matsuyama, the Head of CyberConnect 2, speaking with Famitsu magazine.

Below are some brief gameplay snippets from Solarobo:

Have any readers played Tail Concerto? Would a remake or direct sequel have been preferred, or does Solarobo appear to be what you wished for?

Box art for Solatorobo: Red the Hunter








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European release date Out now   North America release date Sep 2011   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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cant wait for this i know it been a long time coming and look good Smilie Hope it out befor DS life die down with 3DS coming so soon

I've added a batch of screenshots for the game Smilie Looks interesting, to say the least...

Anyone here a fan of Tail Concerto from the PSone?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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