Geist Developer Working on a New Wii Game

By Calum Peak 15.04.2010 6

Geist Developer Working on a New Wii Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

n-Space, the developer behind the GameCube classic Geist, and more recent iterations of Call of Duty on the Nintendo DS, is said to be working on a new Wii game that is expected to release in Q4 2010. Mr. Bromby, the internal art director, is supervising the look, feel and overall quality of the game.

n-Space also had a survival horror for the Wii named Winter where the the player took control of a girl called Mia to brave supernatural snowstorms and various monsters. Sadly, nothing has been heard about the title since January 2009 due to the inability to get hold of a publisher for the title and, therefore, funding.

Funding the development of a title of Winter’s scope is not in n-Space’s game plan right now. Also, recent mature releases on the Wii have shown us that it would be a challenge to succeed with it

Are you looking forward to n-Spaces new title, and what do you think it could be? Would you have liked to have seen Winter finally released?

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I always thought that Geist had an interesting gameplay mechanic and, if done right, could be a great game for the Wii.

is geist any good? i saw it everywhere for like �£5 shortly after gamecube died out, like it was the one game every store had 100s of copys of and couldnt shift here.

I guess Cursed Mountain was what they were looking at.
Sales of that probably fit the same rough appeal demographic as their game.
-sigh- <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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matt (guest) 15.04.2010#4

Guiest 2 is a gane that would servive at retail

Geist is a good game. If you can pick it up for a fiver i would recommend it as i actually played this game to completion which does not happen often nowadays.

Jim (guest) 15.04.2010#6

n-Space, the developer behind the GameCube disappointment Geist,


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