New Ghost Trick Nintendo DS Trailer

By Adam Riley 14.04.2010 5

New Ghost Trick Nintendo DS Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has released a new video clip for its Nintendo DS game, Ghost Trick. Set for release in June over in Japan, the game from the brains behind the Ace Attorney series, Shu Takumi, has players following the story of Sissel, an amnesiac ghost who must use his ghostly powers to protect the lives of innocent people while attempting to uncover the secrets behind his own untimely demise. Sissel has the unique ability to possess and manipulate objects within the world. Using these abilities to his advantage, he returns to the four minutes before a character's death to change their fate. Ghost Trick is a story of mystery and intrigue that blends fun logic puzzles with the world of the supernatural, making for an entirely new and unique experience in the handheld gaming space. Part adventure game, part puzzle game, Ghost Trick's gameplay will challenge player's brains while its distinct art elements and character designs will deliver the fun.

Expect more details closer to its 24th June Japanese release.

Box art for Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (9 Votes)

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Looks quite promising. Even though I'm not totally sure what's going on. Smilie

This sounds similar to an pretty cool, but obscure PC FPS game called "Cryostasis"

In that game any body you come accross (human or animal) you could quantom-leap style into its last moments, allowing you to change its fate in the past that thus effected the present.
Worked *brillently* as both a gameplay and storytelling technique. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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This looks fantastic! its abit like the old lucus arts point and click adventure games. I hope this gets an english release.

Can't wait for this. The fact that it's being written by Takumi means the story is going to be ingenious and brilliant... And the gameplay mechanics already look very interesting.

Thank you for supplying the DS with great games up until its last breath Capcom Smilie

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welshwuff said:
I hope this gets an english release.

It was confirmed for EU and US ages ago - great news! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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