7 Card Games Heading to DSiWare

By Adam Riley 13.04.2010

7 Card Games Heading to DSiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

cerasus.media is set to launch 7 Card Games as its first title on Nintendo DSiWare. With Texas and Omaha Hold’em Poker, Blackjack, Hearts, Freecell plus Klondike Deal 1 and Deal 3, the collection contains all of the most popular card games in Northern American territory.

Who has the best hand? Take a seat, have a drink and get started: Keep a straight face during poker while you wager the bluff of your life! Put it all on one hit in Black Jack - and take the jackpot. You choose the number of opponents. Prefer something quieter? Then try a Solitaire game like Freecell or Klondike. Whether you prefer a quick round here and there or fun for the entire evening, now you always have your favourite card games right at your fingertips! Top-notch graphics, realistic sound effects and smooth Jazz Lounge Music provide real casino feeling to go. Nintendo's 2-in-1 Solitaire came in at a mere 200 Points and won gamers over thanks to its simplicity and user-friendly interfact. If cerasus.media can deliver the goods on this front, then this could indeed be a must-have game.

7 Card Games is available from 12th April in the US for 500 Nintendo Points on the DSiWare service

Box art for 7 Card Games

Cerasus Media




Table Games



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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