Nintendo DS' Soul Gets Fractured

By Adam Riley 13.04.2010 1

Nintendo DS

Endgame Studios has revealed an intriguing new project for the Nintendo DS called Fractured Soul. This science-fiction title follows in the footsteps of Intrinsic Games' Reflection on DSiWare (check out Cubed3's recent interview here), as well as Spanish developer EnjoyUp's Chronos Twin(s) series that span DS, DSiWare and WiiWare (EnjoyUp was also interviewed this month right here).

Having experience on licenses such as Rayman, Spyro the Dragon and Spider-Man, the Victoria, Australia-based outfit is hoping to take the solid formula and build upon it considerably with Fractured Soul, in part thanks to specialist funding from Film Victoria. The protagonist is trapped between two worlds, meaning players must control him across both DS screens at the same time, switching between each part of his fractured soul at the right time in order to prevent his other half from taking damage. An interesting twist is how the trailer shows off a side-scrolling shmup style of gameplay as well, which if it plays even remotely like Shin'en's Nanostray 2 will be a great inclusion.

Expect more details on Fractured Soul closer to its proposed Q4 2010 release window.

Box art for Fractured Soul








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Ok, this is just getting silly.
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