Media | R: Racing Evolution

By James Temperton 31.10.2003 1

R: Racing Evolution
Screens and details!

The Gamecube has had a stigma of some sort when it comes to the racing genre as of late. Sure, you have your Mario Karts, your high speed guns blazing XGRA and the blindingly fast worlds of F Zero but there really aren't that many street racers or realistic racers on the Gamecube. We aren't forgetting about the wonderful thrills from the Burnout series and if you're going to have a few racers I think you'd agree it is best to have the best but for people looking for something a bit different to Burnout there aren't really any racers worth your money so Cubed-3 thought it would be wise to look down the Gamecube incoming list and search for any racers. The cel-shaded worlds of GT Cube may not be for everybody, Lotus Challenge handles like ice on wheels and Mario Kart is just too plain childish for some, we've looked at all of these titles in depth and now we're giving the new Ridge Racer, R: Racing Evolution its chance to make the Gamecube proud.

R: Racing Evolution is attempting to do what the first Ridge Racer did all over again, innovate and master its genre. Now, Namco are not new to the racing genre, they've been here before and they know what they're doing with the series so with this knowledge in hand you shouldn't be surprised to know that this is currently one of Cubed-3's most anticipated games in this genre. Thankfully, in R: Racing Evolution you'll be pleased to find that there are licensed cars, and, quite a surprisingly big range as well. These will be mainly used for the circuit sections of the game- you see, there are 8 different types of race to take part in. These will include Circuit, Drag and Rally! These can be raced through on fantasy and realistic tracks that are all varied and unique. Possibly the most innovative part of the successor to the Ridge Racer series is the fact that there is a story mode labelled Racing Life. This involves high speed racing throughout many different types of tracks, beautiful cinematic cut scenes, rivalry building and more! All of those different aspects of the game will be incorporated into one single player mode that is sure to keep you glued to your 'Cube for hours.

Along with this, there will be many 2-4 player modes to keep you and your friends entertained in the form of the Versus. There will also be an arcade mode that will include a more retro feel bringing back the memories of the "Press start to continue 10

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