Lost In Shadow Gets A Change In Name

By 11.04.2010 7

Lost In Shadow Gets A Change In Name on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hudson's WiiWare platformer has been through quite a few different names. First known as known as 'Shadow Tower', it then got renamed to 'Tower of Shadow' and then renamed again to 'Lost in Shadow'. Hudson have now changed the name once more and it looks like it's going to be its final name change: A Shadow's Tale.

A Shadow's Tale involves taking control of a young boy as they try to climb a large tower. Only there's a twist - in this game, your direct control is over the boy's shadow, working your way up by having the shadow jump onto the shadows of safe platforms while avoiding traps and other dangers. A butterfly companion, providing a light source to allow the shadow's continued existence, can be used to shift and control lighting to help him move onwards and upwards.

A Shadow's Tale is planned to be released this Autumn. You can check out a new trailer for the game below.

Are you excited for Hudson's latest title?

Box art for A Shadow's Tale
Also known as

Lost in Shadow






2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Trailer says Autumn 2010 and not August...

James (guest) 11.04.2010#2

This looks very nice & just as promising as the Lost Winds game!!

James (guest) 11.04.2010#3

Cannot WAIT for this one, looks just as promising as the Lost Winds games!!Smilie

I thought this was a full retail game and not WiiWare? It doesn't mention WiiWare in the trailer.

( Edited 11.04.2010 19:03 by wAyNe )

This looks wonderfull.

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I have a game on my PS3 called 'Lost In Shadows', perhaps that's the reason for the latest name change? It'd had already been taken?

Do hold your breath for the final name, Lost in the Tale of A Shadow's Tower.

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