Nintendo DS Maple Story Media Blowout!

By Adam Riley 11.04.2010 13

Nintendo DS Maple Story Media Blowout! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nexon Corporation and Nintendo have unleashed a barrage of new screens and videos for Maple Story DS. The game is set to launch in South Korea on 15th April alongside the Nintendo DSi system and the lid has been lifted on the extensive advertising campaign.

Below you can see the adverts, as well as various gameplay from the official website, along with fifty new images in the game's media folder:

Cubed3 has now completed its interview with Nexon Corporation about Maple Story DS and is in the process of having it translated from Korean to English. Stay tuned for this exclusive chat with the development team.

What are your thoughts on Nexon's first foray into DS gaming? Should this be fast-tracked for a Western release as well?

Box art for MapleStory DS
Also known as

Maple Story DS






Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (286 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I can't wait for this now Smilie Nexon is sending Cubed3 a copy of the game to look at, so hopefully that will turn up soon and I can get some hands-on details across to you folks Smilie

The only thing is, I've not played the PC version just bear that in mind Smilie

What do you all think of the new footage and screens/art?

( Edited 05.01.2013 06:27 by Guest )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

Well the art looks exactly like the PC version, except maybe for the color depth of the backgrounds and the obvious scaled down resolution... which we can only hope won't cause trouble for the gameplay.

Then again the PC version, aside from the nice art in some places, wasn't exactly a technical wonder. Which is good too cuz' you can even play it on weaker machines like netbooks which offer a nice battery life Smilie.

I wonder how they'll make this a good offline experience.

( Edited 05.01.2013 06:27 by Guest )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I suppose that's the beauty of the small DS screens - the lower resolution makes PC games with 'average' graphics look better Smilie

I've never had any interest in Maple Story, simply because I don't play PC games anymore, yet this DS game has definitely got me intrigued. I want to see what all the fuss is about Smilie

( Edited 05.01.2013 06:27 by Guest )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Our member of the week

Yeah sure it makes it look better, but some jumps at to be timed very accurately in the PC game, so not being able to see far ahead of you may cause trouble. And also, actually, some buildings were huge and very cute but wouldn't fit entirely in the 256x192 on the DS...

BUT indeed, the game looks good on DS Smilie. I haven't played much of the PC game either because it's restricted to keyboard gameplay (though after some tweaking and combining four different softwares, i managed to play it using a Wii Classic Controller on my netbook muhahaha). The sidequests quickly became boring on the long run but it was primarily because i had no friend playing it too, and the game like many other MMORPGs was clearly designed so that you have to ally to others to complete the quests.

( Edited 05.01.2013 06:27 by Guest )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Well, Nexon has been working closely with Nintendo on this version. It wasn't just Nexon I wonder if Nintendo's influence will be quite apparent in any platforming sections.

I can't wait to try this now - just to see how it finally turned out after so many years of waiting!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I think this is gonna be great - I've played the PC version a lot, a few years back!

Well to me that video looked really lame...just like a low bugdet 2D fighter.
And the thing that makes MMOs good is the fact that they're massively multiplayer...I think playing it 1 player on a DS would get quite boring? In my opinion...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++
Our member of the week

Simon  said:
Well to me that video looked really lame...just like a low bugdet 2D fighter.
And the thing that makes MMOs good is the fact that they're massively multiplayer...I think playing it 1 player on a DS would get quite boring? In my opinion...

Well the game was designed from the ground up to be a single player experience so "obviously" it will be different from the regular online game. It should retain the visual aspect and gameplay (maybe refined a bit to fit the DS ?) but the game mechanics such as the quests, overall scenario and such will be designed with a single player only aspect in mind.

Well that's just speculation, but this seems like the most obvious direction to me, and since Nintendo was involved in the development, there's hope that it'll be the case. All we can do is wait till our good fellows at C3 get heir hands on a copy of the game.

I wonder if anyone at C3 speaks Korean though Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Ah, good old Maple Story. Hopefully you make a better transition from PC to DS than what Ragnarok did.

Kafei2006 said:
I wonder if anyone at C3 speaks Korean though Smilie

My wife's Korean Smilie Why do you think it's always me that posts the updates about Nintendo's goings-on over there?

I've got the interview back from Nexon about this...but am in the process of having it translated in English at the moment Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I just hope the single player doesn't involve as much grinding as its online counterpart. Smilie

DarkTemp (guest) 21.04.2010#12

Damm it,,,only 1 plyr:-x

Jacob (guest) 01.05.2010#13


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