First Jett Rocket WiiWare Video

By Adam Riley 10.04.2010 3

First Jett Rocket WiiWare Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shin'en has released the first trailer for its upcoming Nintendo WiiWare release, Jett Rocket.

Let Jett Rocket explore the beautiful planet of Yoroppa and find out why it has been attacked by the evil 'Power Plant Posse'. Ride the ocean on your Jet Boat, parachute from giant cliffs, speed through arctic regions on your Jet Snowboard or skyrocket with your Jet Pack. Just be Jett Rocket in this epic futuristic full 3D Action-Adventure!

Jett Rocket supports 4:3 and 16:9 screen modes, PAL (576i), NTSC (480i) and EDTV/HDTV (480p) and runs in super-smooth 60 frames/sec.

It is hoped that Jett Rocket will be made available in the next month or so.

Box art for Jett Rocket

Shin'en Multimedia







C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

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looks to be a must buy for a wii ware game Smilie and give me somthing full in for time between now and SMG2

Phillip the Mole (guest) 12.04.2010#2

wow fucking brillient! More better than games you get in shops WiiWare rocks!

Looks very pretty, but the main character model is boooooring!

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