The Last Story Wii Update No.5

By Adam Riley 04.04.2010 8

The Last Story Wii Update No.5 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

New is starting to flow on a regular basis for Nintendo and Mistwalker's The Last Story on Wii now. The fifth update not only offers a new piece of artwork, but reveals some new information via the developer blog. This week's update goes by the name of "Hoshimi no Toh", or "Star Viewing Tower," which is one of the places that gamers will be able to visit whilst travelling around The Last Story's world, in addition to the initial location of Ruli.

This tower is a place from which the people can look up at the beautiful stars in the sky and point to their guardian star, according to the Producer of the project. The Director then goes on to discuss a scenario where two characters meet there to talk about their dreams, "In this place that's sacred to the Arganan Family, their hearts touch for just a moment. The girl whistles a the melody of a song for which she cannot recall the words; a melody handed down through the generations about those who have been torn apart."

Image for The Last Story Wii Update No.5

The significance of this comes from how both characters lost their parents when they were young, yet were able to perservere through such hardship even when faced with wars and battles for power. Despite both having traumatic memories, their thoughts turn to kindness over the years. The Producer concludes by adding, "Everyone has a place that is special to them," writes the producer to close off the blog post. "For 'her,' this Hoshimi no Toh appears to be an extremely important place."

The second piece of music from the game can be listened to below:

Is this hype building helping to make The Last Story one of your most wanted Wii games of the year?

Box art for The Last Story





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meeto0 (guest) 04.04.2010#1

typical, you wait 4years then two rpgs come along at once. getting both this and xeno. art work looks magical.

Is this hype building helping to make The Last Story one of your most wanted Wii games of the year?

Hell yes! This game looks absolutely gorgeous! The Art is fantastic, the music is very suiting, we just gotta see this in motion! 2010= Epic year for the wii! MY list keeps on growing:
Red Steel 2- bought
Monster Hunter
Fragile dreams
Sonic 4
Arc Rise Fantasia
Possibly Zelda
The Last Story
Cave story

There's more I think but can't remember atm, these are from the top on my head. Pretty good list! In Aus it'd prob be $900-$1000 worth of games! Without counting the ones I still need to buy like litle kings story, Zack and Wiki, Resident Evil, Sky Crawlers, etc. That's a lot of money! Damn the Wii is surpassing my SNES collection! That's quite a feat!

I've added a custom-made box art to the Game Page...I thought it looked quite good. What do you reckon?

I like the new music, but I actually preferred the first piece that was plays when you go on any of the first four updates on the site.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

AH! I did notic before I was thinking : "Woah they have a boxart already?" Nice work man! Looks good, once would think it's the actual boxart! Good work!

dave (guest) 05.04.2010#5

turned based YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

neo (guest) 05.04.2010#6

It sure does but I would also love if Nintendo strikes a deal on get a chrono trigger 2 game for the wii or a remake of the 1st one on wii. Any way this game is on my list to do lol.SmilieSmilie

Andrezao said:
AH! I did notic before I was thinking : "Woah they have a boxart already?" Nice work man! Looks good, once would think it's the actual boxart! Good work!

Thanks Smilie Was quickly thrown together because I didn't like just seeing the standard C3 'no box' image on such an important game like this Smilie

dave (guest) said:
turned based YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gameplay details haven't been confirmed yet, but you would have to hope that Mistwalker FINALLY does a proper turn-based RPG in this case...

neo (guest) said:
It sure does but I would also love if Nintendo strikes a deal on get a chrono trigger 2 game for the wii or a remake of the 1st one on wii. Any way this game is on my list to do lol.SmilieSmilie

That would be pretty amazing, wouldn't it? Who knows what will happen...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Jim (guest) 06.04.2010#8

Gameplay details haven't been confirmed yet, but you would have to hope that Mistwalker FINALLY does a proper turn-based RPG in this case...

Lost Odyssey was a fine turn based RPG

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