Sony Slates Nintendo Again

By Calum Peak 04.04.2010 23

Sony Slates  Nintendo Again on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sony will be releasing their Playstation Move accessory, a motion tracking device with a similar form factor to Nintendo's Wii Remote, sometime in the near future. In the run up to release, Sony have released some comments slating Nintendo's white wand of fun and stating that it has driven core gamers from the platform all together as well as the controller being imprecise.

[With Move] we’ve spent a lot of time on that over the last couple of weeks and the biggest differentiator is the technology itself - the Wii has been wildly successful but at the end of the day it’s not a very precise experience and it relies on the wand. ...Hard-core gamers have looked down their nose at motion gaming: it’s not particularly satisfying for them because it’s not terribly precise or challenging, it’s more social. So we’ll have games that the whole family can play that are very social, but we’ll also be able to do hard-core gamer games via a motion device that has never been done before. - Sony's Peter Dille

What remains to be seen is how well Playstation Move will be implemented into the current market or whether it will spur sales from the 'casual' market which Nintendo is integrated so well. Playstation Move will also have to compete directly with Microsoft's Natal which is set to launch at the end of the year as well.

With competitors jumping on the motion control bandwagon, will they be able to compete adequately with Nintendo? And, what do you think to Sony's claims of 'Nintendo's imprecise controls?'

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If they are comparing to the Wiimote,fair enough. If there comparing to motion plus, no.
Its around the same. Sony uses a camera facing the wiimote. Nintendo use's a camera facing the sensor bar.
Both use small gyro's. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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well only Big N really made good care games most 3rd part just play it safe with family mine games

he say himself that it is successful calling him out for saying wii not been good for core gamer is a bit rich when most of us say the same thing

Motion plus always gets excluded in the Move conversation because they can't 1up the motion plus.

(Though I am unaware that the Wii-mote had a camera to face the sensor bar...if so, then it shouldn't really work if obstructed...and I had to do a lot of testing for power play saturdays at gamestop)

Again...MOVE is hard to sell simple because it's an "option" not a default controller. Sony's library is intent and already built around it's dualshock..."MOVE" if patched up for older games will only be an option.

And I heavily doubt those who prefer and have always preferred a traditional controller will buy or use the MOVE all together.

Wii needs to pick up on the motionplus enabled games...because there aren't that many great core games that utilize the wiimote w/o the Mplus and near none that use the Mplus well (so far, Red Steel 2 as a core game...Resort as a social game).

I see Natal beating Move becuase of the option "move" is, and Natal actually being different compared to it.

This "hard-core" gamer has accepted motion gaming due to the satisfying results it produces based on its accuracy and fun.

But more seriously, my entire experience with Wii and motion controls has been a positive one and pretty much the complete opposite of Sony's paragraph there.

Sony said:
"the Wii has been wildly successful but at the end of the day it’s not a very precise experience and it relies on the wand."

So Sony is complaining that Wii's motion controls rely on a wand? Are they advocating for Natal there or have they simply not seen what their own motion controller looks like...

"Those guys are lame, i mean we're copying everything they do but we're not lame, anyways buy our stuff, it's advances, more advanced than when they were advanced which isnt very advanced at all.... until they release the next advanced thing, but im sure it'll be a fad... until we copy it, then it'll be cool and hardcore."

( Edited 04.04.2010 01:34 by welshwuff )

Say the blokes with the BabyRattlemote.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Lol. So basically, "Nintendo's product blows," but they think their obvious ripoff will somehow perform better?
And white = bad, but people will buy our thing that looks like it would blend in in the baby product aisle at Wal-Mart?
Whatevs, Sony.
This still looks more practical than Natal, though.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

hard-core gamer games a motion device that has never been done before.

That's funny they ripped off the Wii-mote and the Wii-mote has games on it that are only possible to do because of it, that are "hard-core".

( Edited 04.04.2010 04:04 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Hard-core gamers have looked down their nose at motion gaming: it’s not particularly satisfying for them because it’s not terribly precise or challenging, it’s more social.

This is (to an extent) true, but Nintendo's master stroke was making the Wii-mote included with the console, but covering their bases with the Cube controller. The 2 Wii games I play most are Mario Kart and Brawl. Both can use the Wii-mote, but I inevitably end up playing with the Cube controller. So Sony aren't really '1-upping' Nintendo here at all.

Cheesing it up said:
Hard-core gamers have looked down their nose at motion gaming: it’s not particularly satisfying for them because it’s not terribly precise or challenging, it’s more social.

This is (to an extent) true, but Nintendo's master stroke was making the Wii-mote included with the console, but covering their bases with the Cube controller. The 2 Wii games I play most are Mario Kart and Brawl. Both can use the Wii-mote, but I inevitably end up playing with the Cube controller. So Sony aren't really '1-upping' Nintendo here at all.

I'd like to point out that the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex forum just became the most active forum at Activision's official website. Meaning it beat out Modern Warfare for the other two systems, AND Modern Warfare 2 for the other two systems.

Just because you use a Gamecube controller a lot does not mean Sony is correct in saying that there are no hardcore games which use the Wii remote. In fact, I think the opposite of your point is true; because Nintendo did it from the start, they've had hardcore games in mind all along. Sony is essentially trying to tack the fad element of it onto an existing product, for an extra cost. They did it before, too, when they rushed SixAxis into their controllers.

Sorry, but Sony has always been about the bandwagon. This is the sole reason they added analog sticks, rumble, DVD playback, Blu-Ray playback, High Definition, Wifi, the list goes on. They got lucky that it worked for the PS2, the DVD boom gave them a huge boost that resulted in tons of third parties making some fantastic games for the system, but it's clearly not working for Blu-Ray, for PSP Go, or for anything else they've attempted, really.

( Edited 04.04.2010 15:47 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

That is rich considering the original dualshock had dead zones 3 miles apart and was nowhere near as precise as the N64's real analogue controller. Loser.

Guest 04.04.2010#14

Why the coloured ball. WHY?!

I thought Sony understood appealing design.Smilie

Sony is just pure cheap because they know Nintendo has been out selling more than them, so Sony decides to copy Nintendo in order to finally beat its streak of dominating Sony and Microsoft in the market. By the way the Sony motion controllers look terrible. They look so ugly and design and appearance is an important aspect to attracting consumers into something new

MO :D (guest) 05.04.2010#16

the color balls are to allows the camera to spot the movements better making it more accurate and better then the wiimote plus... for anyone that thinks its gonna be similar to the wii its not gonna be similar the ps move is much better because u can have ps3 graphics with an interactive remote which means its gonna be more awsome then a shitty wii!!!Smilie

MO Smilie (guest) said:
the color balls are to allows the camera to spot the movements better making it more accurate and better then the wiimote plus... for anyone that thinks its gonna be similar to the wii its not gonna be similar the ps move is much better because u can have ps3 graphics with an interactive remote which means its gonna be more awsome then a shitty wii!!!Smilie

Were you born retarded, or did you drop the PS3 on your head on your way to the basement?

( Edited 05.04.2010 04:06 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

The pointer functionality of the Wiimote is far more accurate then an analogue stick, and quicker. So for "hardcore" gamers its better, as long as the game is designed right.

MO Smilie (guest) said:
the color balls are to allows the camera to spot the movements better making it more accurate and better then the wiimote plus

The first statement is correct, the second is not.
Tracking a sphere visually is no more accurate then tracking IR dots.
In fact, the increased separation of the Dots and their horizontal alignment almost certainly means they can be tracked with more precision then the sphere.

Not to say Move doesn't have advantages though. The fact its a forward-facing camera means it can sense where the wand is regardless of the wands facing direction.

"more flexible" thus might be a fair description.
"more accurate because it use's a big sphere" just is wrong, however.

( Edited 05.04.2010 14:38 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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justonesp00lturn (guest) 06.04.2010#19


it seems we have an extreme wii fanboy wat a nob u think that just because you like the wii every 1 else is wrong to be honest its not close to be able to comepete with the ps3 or the xbox360 the only reason its selling so well is because its somthing your mom wud buy for u as a bday present just because u cant afford the ps3 or xbox 360 and u lack the intelegence to play games on those consoles it doesnt mean everyone else is the same its cool we know deep down u wish u had a ps3 and ur gonna wish even more when the playstation move comes out the only awsome game nintendo ever made was mario the original mario but hey if ur into kids games thats on u man! carry on doing this with ur wiiSmilie

Yesterday I tried Wii Sports Resort for the first time. I was very impressed, it worked amazingly. I can't wait to play Zelda with it!!

matt (guest) 06.04.2010#21

the wiimote is better for FPS games its lightning fast and super accurate huge jump from gamepads this sonymove isnt made with Conduit/COD/Red steel/type games in mind its got lag and no IR so its useless why is Grinder staying FPS on wii when them devices are available its because they are not no where near as accurate as IR wiimote so topdown for 360/ps3 fact HVS said they would love to use motion controls if microsoft/sony made them HVS isnt impressed and tigerwoods 2011 on wii is being decribed as most realistic golf swing in a video game why not ps3move its being implemented if its so much better why are EA not making it far superior on ps3 why because it has lag like natal its a fact im seeing no proof of them being superior sony/microsoft will payy 1st partys lots of money to get unrealistic games out the door that 3rd partys will struggle to get past the lag for true hardcore FPS experiences they will end up being on wii/wii2

justonesp00lturn (guest) said:

it seems we have an extreme wii fanboy wat a nob u think that just because you like the wii every 1 else is wrong to be honest its not close to be able to comepete with the ps3 or the xbox360 the only reason its selling so well is because its somthing your mom wud buy for u as a bday present just because u cant afford the ps3 or xbox 360 and u lack the intelegence to play games on those consoles it doesnt mean everyone else is the same its cool we know deep down u wish u had a ps3 and ur gonna wish even more when the playstation move comes out the only awsome game nintendo ever made was mario the original mario but hey if ur into kids games thats on u man! carry on doing this with ur wiiSmilie

First off, don't try to login as me. Besides being obviously not me (I can spell; you should try it, sometime) you directing your post at me and then naming yourself after me makes it look like your schoolyard insults are aimed at yourself, furthering my belief that you might just be retarded.

Second, I can just as easily say that you're a Sony fanboy. That was a terrible argument. But at least mine would be spelled correctly. Also, have you ever seen one of these: "." It's called a period. You should think about using one, once in a while.

Third, I didn't say you were wrong about anything. But besides the fact that you were wrong, it wasn't in not liking the Wii. You can hang Wiis from the ceiling and club them with baseball bats for all I care. But you're wrong in thinking that people bought the Wii for motion control alone, and that adding motion control to an HD system will, in turn, render a lower-powered one obsolete.

Fourth, not close to being able to compete with Xbox 360 and PS3, hm? Then maybe you'd like to try to explain why the Wii currently sells more units than both combined? I guess you didn't look up your figures before spouting your fanboy rant. Probably because you're retarded.

Fifth, You're obviously incorrect in stating that the only reason people buy it is because they can afford it; the best-selling games list for the Wii is not only a good three times larger than for the other systems, but the games on it have, on average, sold millions of copies more.

Sixth, intelligence? Really? You think it takes a shit ton of smarts to play Halo 3? I'll bet you can't even beat the strategy puzzles in the average Legend of Zelda game. Most likely due to retardation.

Seventh, and I apologize if your retardation prevents you from being able to count this high, but I had a PS3. I got bored with the 5-hour game average, and sold it.

Eighth, again, I'd refer you to the all-time sales lists. Apparently, millions upon millions of people all over the world disagree with you.

Ninth, I'm sorry that the only way you can enjoy a game is if there is blood and chunks of people flying around the screen at all times. This sounds like a deep, psychological or emotional problem, to me. Perhaps you should seek therapy. However, since you obviously can't read single letters on game boxes, you should probably know that many Wii games, including at least four on the best-selling list, are rated M. (That stands for mature, not that you'd know what that word means.)

Oh, and I got a real kick out of how your first retarded post was about how much better doing this Smilie will be on the Playstation, and your second retarded post was about how crappy doing this Smilie is at all.

But, to summarize, since I don't expect you have the mental capacity to have actually read this post: You're wrong. And possibly retarded.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I own both a Wii & a PS3. I had never intended for my PS3 to be anymore then a Blu-Ray player that plays games. But over time I've been more hooked to my PS3 then I expected.

For a moment of time I thought I'd buy both variants of games for each console. Because Wii had Wii-Mote & PS3 had (pre-order) DLC. But that quickly died off after realizing that the PS3 variant was better even without Wii-Mote. I ended up selling my Wii variants to buy other games.

Hands down I'd choose
* FF, WWE SvR, etc on PS3 over Wii because I get so much more in game content.
* PS Home over Mii's as I'm more likely to interact online then play with my Mii in a Wii Game.
* Killzone 2 over The Conduit as I was unable to get Wii properly online & hated Conduit's single player.

I'd go as far to state that I'd sell MadWorld, No More Heroes (2), Okami, & Resident Evil 4 on the Wii. Only to re-buy them if they came out with PS Move versions (with trophies, etc). I'd even buy Red Steel 2 as I didn't buy that for the Wii.

I feel the promise Wii had is pretty much gone. Most FPS gamers prefer graphics over better controls like Wii-Mote. So I'm looking forward to having both with PS Move.

THQ never made UFC for the Wii so I feel like each has missed something that could be great. Hopefully THQ will eventually make a UFC game in 2011 with PS Move controls. (Same goes for EA Sports Fight Night.)

Yeah PS Move jokingly looks like a rattle. But that is a far lighter joke then Wii got with penis jokes.

With all this stated though I highly doubt PS3 will ever surpass Wii in over all console sales.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

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