Nintendo Eats Pokemon MMO Alive

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.04.2010 42

Nintendo Eats Pokemon MMO Alive on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have shutdown a recently released free Pokemon MMO, Pokenet, and its website due to infringing on various trademarks.

A fair few fans of Nintendo's highly addictive franchise had hoped that an MMO version would be available in some form but Nintendo have continually declined the request. You can go online to battle and trade in recent Poké-outings but it's limited to a menu based system instead of a live hub of players to meet, greet and walk around.

So then came Pokenet, who according to Joystiq, have been told top stop doing what they're doing and surrender various bits, including the domain name, to Nintendo. Pokenet was a game quite deep into development, and judging by the footage below let players wander about the online Pokenet world and battle online.

They have released code, and there are other MMO varieties out there but with Nintendo in motion it would be hard to release something unofficial for the masses.

Do you think Nintendo will eventually cave in and bring out an MMO Pokemon for the fans, or will they continue to be stuck on child-lock?

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aright guys. I have a lot to say, so bear with me, this'll likely be a multi-post ordeal here, I don't mean to flood....

jb said:

Poke director Junichi Masuda said last month something about not going MMO due to "players not seeing each other and trading in real life"

last I was ever in a position when I would be able to rade with someone in person was my sister, who also had the GB colour, we went through RB and GS together.
other then her though, I think I once traded with a single individual. to expect us to go out and trade our pokemon on our own time is unrealistic. it never happens. no one sais "I'm gonna walk down the street and knock on some doors to see if someone has an arcanine". if it comes up in conversation that someone can help you then sure, if you post something online then perhaps, or at a convention of course, but I don't know anyone that walks around with a game boy in their pocket, that's insanity. to assume that anyone of us would do so is insane and requires us not to be fans of pokemon, not just to like the game, but to comit our lives to it. not gonna happen here, at least
not enough. he's not gonna get a pokemon microcosm (especially because all pokemon products seem to expire when you reach about 15 years old). plus, if this where to go MMO, we'd all be online where it would be fantastically easy to trade. you wouldn't have to be with the person. it would make the experience much easier and more user-friendly, which is what it needs. noone on my street ever had that arcanine, but I'l bet someone online will.

jb said:
D/P were good games but the formula is barely touched, online imo is something that would keep it going for sometime after the regular gym badge hoo-hah.

I whole-heartedly agree, but the issue with MMO's is that once you reach the end, their's nothing left to do but start over from square one. this is also true in pokemon, it's just that it's not when you beat the elite 4 or vcollect all the badges,it's just when you hit lvl 100. by then it's basically pointless. I mean sure you could try and collect everypokemon, and get them all to 100, and battle everyone, etc, but it's the gameplay we'll all be there for, so we'd just start it over again. so the same MMO mechanic is still present, but notice how it's also part of how pokemon works? I'll come back to that later.

now secondly, what's all this about pokemon's demographic?

SuperLink said:
absolutely not for kids. No amount of swear filters can change that.

yes, so far pokemon's kep to the same demographic, but times have changed. and my supporet lies here.

Vaughn (guest) said:
If Nintendo were to make one though, the sales would be phenomenal considering most people who enjoyed Pokemon in its early days are much older now. Myself included.

I grew up with pokemon. I love the stuff. I mean, I grew up with up to 2nd gen. I've tried later gens, they aren't quite for me. big reason for that is how I started this: I GREW UP with pokemon. I'e evolved, they haven't. they've changed, of course, but they're service a demographic that I'm not in. when I was a kid I was angry at the lack of physics behind team rocket getting blasted away at all, let alone every episode of the show. the games are a bit more serious, but still, built for children.

there IS now a demographic of adults that like pokemon. it's not that nintendo would have to rope in new customers, we're all here, and we're anxiously waiting something. everyone I knew played pokemon. I now know a handful at best. we're here, we just don't have a product. commercially speaking, it's a goldmine. we want something pokemon, and if it sais nintendo on it we'll only be that much more pleased. they've got customer loyalty with people that aren't even customers, it's insane. admitedly it might be difficult to keep the kids out of the adult rated stuff....except with MMO's. yea kids are getting smarter, but your average 5th grader won't be able to get in on it, and I reinterate; commercial goldmine!!

and finaly, we gave the game play.

SuperLink said:
the mythos would have to be totally skewered to allow for hundreds of trainers on one world

take the 4 regions of kanto, johto, hoenn and sinnoh. all together, they have 50 towns at my count. we have a set number of players per town (for example 2 in pallet, or 6 in goldenrod, etc). lets average it at just 3 players a town (though I suspect average could be much bigger then that) and we've got easily 150 players. this includes a rival for many players, almost accidentaly, and in a method that doesn't pigeonhole you to it either. it'd be the standby for many players, but we could easily have an in-game feature to set a rival for yourself, and switch it at a whim, and have the only in-game difference be that your rival's stats are posted alongside your own, so you can keep track of what your rival's caught, what badges he has, etc. and then have all the different worlds, on different servers (possibly several world per server, keeping it under 200 is an easy number) merge together for central competitions, like for example the elite four, or the national battle league. like gama said...

GaMa (guest) said:
The only thing different is the MMO aspect; PvP, Official Tournaments/Events, and User Created Events.

and what would be different about them? well for one thing, they would be against REAL TRAINERS. I don't wanna talk to cool trainer nick when he wins the bug catching contest, but I might ask BiTzNpeiCes876 for some tips on keeping scyther in the ball. as per trenton...

Trenton (guest) said:
Regional and world tournaments make interaction fun and profitable.

speaking of trenton actually, he seems to be quite the visionary!

Trenton (guest) said:
Eventually you get the option to join villainous factions or stay true to the original play with various changes to your playstyle for siding up with say team rocket who typically carry max 3 pokemon at a time.

a big part of MMO's tend to be organizational raids. factions against one another, guilds, etc. having a few built in game can only be helpful to said cause, and when they're already part of the plotline existing, well one gets a sence of really contributing.

Trenton (guest) said:
This entire world policed over by GM's depicted as the oft cloned Officer Jenny would be simple to implement and save Nintendo millions.

this would actually be A) very feasible and B) histerical. on your first playthough you might notice jenny's walking around town and think them as just flavour pieces, but when they start baning people, you'd really get a sence that the law really rules the land. with the exception of, for example, an area ruled by rockets.

and keep in mind that you'd be walking around with other real people,as opposed to in game oponents. there may still be routes with trainers placed about who'll get the "!" bubble and want to fight, but we'll have to work in real trainers as well. in that spirit, there could be implimented a simple challenge button. like a shift-click for example tochallenge someone gives them apopup, and an opertunity to review their profile (being basic things like their home town and their badges, but not the pokemon they have) and an option to talk to them before accepting/denying the challenge. it would be a stretch from the original "making eye contact means a challenge" thing, but much more feasible then people walking around with their heads down.

PMD said:
Pokemon, by nature, is very slow and strategic, something that works with online battles, but not a fully online-only game.

why would it not work in a fully online environment? with the run button and bikes available, as well as fly of course, travel time isn't too big a deal, which leaves most in game time spent in battles. it's not like there would be a lack of wild pokemon, they'd still be randomized. when you get too weak fromtrainer fighting, you run back to the pokecentre. when some team magma attack, the mishmash group of trainers that happen to be present are forced to collaborate to defeat them, under the leadership of Jenny (the GM can really instil a sence of authority like this)

this game sounds fantastic. absolutly epic. something I know I'd pay to play, and I hate MMO's. but the handheld versions of the game instill this sence of community in you, like you're not the only trainer taking up the gym challenge, your'e not the only one who wishes to be the champion, and though you might be the hero of the day taking down the latest rocket scheme, you wouldn't have had to do it alone. I'm excited just thinking about the prospects! Smilie

I'm perfectly aware that there are older fans who like Pokémon, but Nintendo wouldn't change that demographic aim just because the old fans have grown up. Their intention with Pokémon has always been to give children adventures.

Pokémon is known worldwide as a children's franchise. Even by parents and the mass media.

What happens when these parents start buying this MMO for their children, ignorant of it being an MMO? It's Pokémon, so surely it wouldn't harm their children in any way, right?

Wrong. These ignorant gamers are what make up Nintendo's core demographic for Pokémon.

Make a Pokémon MMO, and the amount of parental complaints and lawsuits aimed at Nintendo will skyrocket. Not only that, but you will have thousands, even millions of kids (and when I say kids I mean children) ruining the experience for everyone else.

You thought playing Halo online was annoying? Pokémon online would be far far worse.

Like I said before, can you as an MMO player see any way for Nintendo to keep the E/3+ rating that they so loyally stick to, that they would completely remove the classic Game Corner feature that was threatening it?

Because as long as Nintendo can't keep that rating for a Pokémon game, they simply won't release it.

If you think Nintendo will release a Pokémon game at T/16+ and miss out of all the mainstream sales whilst getting complaints from parents all around the world, well you don't really know much about how demography works.

One last thing. Keep in mind that GameFreak develop Pokémon games, not Nintendo. They are a very small company, which is why their games are very often quite low tech. I don't think they have the ability to make an MMO, even if they had the ability to.

Which they don't. If they ever made an MMO, it wouldn't be a Pokémon one.

( Edited 27.06.2010 11:49 by SuperLink )

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firetools (guest) 01.07.2010#30

Im one of the core members there. We were reborn into a game challengeing Nintendo.

ransidius (guest) 12.07.2010#31

they sould it might make the franchise grow more it allows people opportunity so they dont have to run out and buy a game boy oh but thats defeating the purpose. personally though it would have laet them compile all the pokemon stuff togeather and given the fans what they really wanted

Eklypze (guest) 17.08.2010#32

I hope one day to see a nintendo made pokemon MMO, if anything they should give these developers jobs in making them, they did pretty good without having a reason other then to play, what if they got paid, im sure they could have a live version in only a few months, especially if they kept the code and build off that. As far as nintendo being so anti multiplayer, I hope they get over it, I understand they want a good wholesome experience for younger gamers but there is a way to do that without sucking the fun of interaction out of the game.

A Pokemon mmo would bring World of Warcraft to its knees if it was done right, given that it is pokemon, it already has a much hihger fan base, incorporate card game promo's and you've got the tcg community in the palm of your hand.

They could even tie in the DS games some how and let you load your pokemon online after you get to a special place, I can see it now, a game with quests, story line, millions of players, GMs and moderators in game to service players and make sure people aren't trying to cause trouble. It could be the greatest game launched onto the internet, if they'd do it right.

I know chances are they'll never do it, but i can see it and could see it working well.

Superlink is right, no amount of swear filters would be enough for nintendo to say "this is ok for kids" unfortunately it is the freedom we have on the internet that binds us to limitations in this case.

PokeFan1985 (guest) 26.08.2010#33

Personally I think anyone anyone who says pokemon wouldnt be a good mmo, wouldn't be theasable, pokemon is slow and strategic so it wouldn't work. You're all dumb***es! do you know how many fail mmo's that are out in the market and still successful.. And as far as the age group, just because there is a pokemon mmo doesnt mean they have to take thier focus of thier original platform. And since when do 3 yr old's play pokemon.. The T.V. series is basically dead, so most of pokemon's fanbase are much older than ppl think, for example I'm 24 and would drop loads of cash and time on a pokemon mmo. Gamefreak/Nintendo are so loaded they could fund the project seperatly and still release new games for Wii DS, If you dont want to play an mmo then fine, but don't ruin it for every other loyal fan who is past the single player, waste your time games. Pokemon the MMO would be majorly Successful, and Nintendo/Gamefreak need to realize it. Instead of making money off the idea they are losing potential business to hack's, Emulator's, and Fan Sites. Enough Said!

that-one-guy-k (guest) 02.11.2010#34

I suppose you dont really play mmos to know that there are extream ammounts of kids under 10 playing Many of the so popular mmos. it would not matter i fit was labled E/ M T kids these days get there parents to buy them anythingthing. and it would be a hit. if you have kids and dont want to subject them to the Chats then dont but thats a poor excuse For makeing it a mmo :3 with your 12+ comments im assumeing your over 12 so why are you makeing a big deal about it. And if your not over 12 then give it some time youll be old enulf to play. But i personally dont think theyll make one. or they already would have had some work on it already. your text here

CREATOR~RUIN (guest) 09.12.2010#35

You can get two things from what Nintendo said about why they aren't making an MMO... They're either too stubborn, or too lazy.

By Stubborn, I mean they don't want to realize they can keep Real life communication with a game in an online environment. By lazy, I mean they KNOW they can make it work, but realize it will actually take work to do it, so they're decidng not too.

It takes lack of creativity (or common sense), to say that their reasoning is 100% legit. There's a huge hole in what they said. Hopefully you guys can thik about what I said here, and understand. I'll say one thing, incase you fail to get it from what I said... Nintendo will defninitely not have to raise te rating of the game, just because it's an MMO... that is, if they make an actual pokemon gae, in the form of an MMO. As long as they don' ty to copy MMOs out now (Ugh, like world ofwar craft), and stick to their ow formula, with a creative touch, it will most definitely.

However, as I said... they're either too stubborn, or too lazy.

DarkPikachu44 (guest) 02.03.2011#36

nintendo could make so much money off a MMO if they actually did it.
so what? when pokemon first came out it wasnt meant as a kid show. so why does it matter now?

HeyPoi (guest) 02.03.2011#37

Pokemon is clearly ready to be an MMO. Nintendo did the right thing legally, but aside from that keeping away from MMO possiblities just makes me think of how decrepit Nintendo has become. Cmon Grampa Nintendo get with the times, I thought the whole reason they aquired certain trademarks was to prove it, but no MMO for a series that has been going in that direction and should've been an MMO is disappointing. Jeez even Hello Kitty has an MMO thats embarrasing Nintedo / GameFreak.

Sean (guest) 07.03.2011#38

This is ridiculous. Nintendo could easily make an MMO for pokemon that would stick with 3E rating. Just because you don't see how it is possible doesn't mean it isn't. Any pokemon to come out on the 3DS is going to have so much interent access anyways whats the point? and saying mario hasn't changed from its mario 64 days is jsut ignorant. The mario games have gone through countless revisions. Mario Galaxy. Paper Mario. Mario RPG. Mario 64. Mario Sports. Mario soccer. Mario Party.

And if you don't believe it is possible to create this MMO for a younger crowd then you are being stubborn and not open-minded. Look at Demon Souls (obviously an M game) the online play was interconnected at all times with other players but noone could actually communicated besides using a set of preset messaging systems to leave notes. Pokemon could easily utilize a chat system with preset variables.

Crow (guest) 23.03.2011#39

Um...not to nitpick on everyone's "an mmo format wouldn't work" bandwagon...but....

TV series, anyone? Replace the Elite Four with the Indigo Plateau and whatnot, make it so that there's multiple ways to catch pokemon based on your karma as a player, make it so people can join Team Rocket if they really feel like it.

And then police it like the TV series. Officer Jenny's and whatnot. If someone troll is running around talking like they're playing Halo, permanently ban them. Show off to the parents some serious moderating chops and they'll trust you completely to protect little Johnny. Hopefully the main user base will be intelligent enough to realize that it's not worth losing your chances of ever playing A POKEMON MMO again because you really wanted to make a boob joke.

Make it pay to play, too; that weens out the douchebags who just register because it's a free game and want to spam obscenities to ruin the game for everyone.

Chnum (guest) 25.03.2011#40

If Nintendo was thinking about the fans of pokemon and not only the money then they will make but as it seems now nope...

Joeyz97 (guest) 26.03.2011#41

really wish this didn't go away even tho i never played it but Pokemon was the first game Ive ever played and this would be cool if the people in it weren't retards like other mmo games Ive played idk what Nintendo is thinking if they wont do this then let someone else

losing faith (guest) 21.05.2011#42

It's really quite simple, release the game only on the internet then only the right crowd would hear about it. Monthly subscription fees would also help in keeping the right age group, altho i prefer free2play with microtransactions tbh.

I can't see why Nintendo wouldn't want to do this. If anything, pokemon was an mmo before the internet came along. It's one of those things where everyone seems to be thinking, "why hasn't anyone done this?".

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