Rumour: Golden Sun 3 to Debut on 3DS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.04.2010 26

Rumour: Golden Sun 3 to Debut on 3DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The much sought after third chapter in the Golden Sun series might make the jump from Nintendo DS to the upcoming 3DS.

The newest entry, better known as Golden Sun DS, has been lingering for some time now. It was even rumoured to be on the GameCube back in 2004. Hopes and desires from Camelot founders Hiroyuki and Shugo Takahashi fueled continual speculation until E3 2009 where the title was finally confirmed to be in development for the DS.

It's been quiet since then, and the lack of any new information has caused one fan to probe Nintendo for more. An unconfirmed response from a Nintendo of America rep (via BaxyZ strongly suggests Golden Sun 3DS as the platform of choice:

However, with the 3DS being publicly revealed at this year's E3, keep your eyes
peeled for information then.

Are you longing for the new Golden Sun - would you like to see it for the eventual 3DS instead?

Box art for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn





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I'd rather it were a swansong for the DS1 tbh, what a finale that would be! Smilie

Terrible awful news, but I was worried about this ever since the 3DS was announced.... Smilie

I hope it's not true, I want to play a DS game on the DS this year, not a DS game tackily ported to the 3DS in possibly multiple years time.

Remember what happened to Donkey Kong Barrel Blast? Terribly ported to Wii. Remember Kirby GC? Cancelled.
Fuck I'm worried now Smilie

Good thing it's only a rumour... Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

maybe they just clean the game up somthing like FFcc for wii?

ill hate for them to have to start over

Guest (guest) 03.04.2010#4


Why would you guys be so worried? This isn't some low-end developer here. Regardless of what platform it appears on, Golden sun is going to freaking rock, because the guys at Camelot know what they're doing.

I hope it does get pushed back. Golden Sun on the 3DS, how amazing could that be? I'm excited either way, but I'm willing to wait a bit longer to see what they can do with the new hardware.

( Edited 02.04.2010 20:17 by Jacob4000 )

Jacob4000 said:
Why would you guys be so worried? This isn't some low-end developer here. Regardless of what platform it appears on, Golden sun is going to freaking rock, because the guys at Camelot know what their doing.

That's not why I'm worried. Like I said, remember Kirby GC? Cancelled entirely.

I hope it does get pushed back. Golden Sun on the 3DS, how amazing could that be? I'm excited either way, but I'm willing to wait a bit longer to see what they can do with the new hardware.

It would need to be rebuilt from scratch to take advantage of the 3DS properly, which would mean waiting another few years for the game at the least.

If it's a launch title on the 3DS, it will hardly take advantage of the system at all, because it's been built for the last few years on the DS.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It would need to be rebuilt from scratch to take advantage of the 3DS properly, which would mean waiting another few years for the game at the least.

If it's a launch title on the 3DS, it will hardly take advantage of the system at all, because it's been built for the last few years on the DS.

It would definitely take longer, but its hard to say how much. However, if this is indeed the case, I would think Nintendo would have been very aggressive in getting Camelot the dev kits they need ASAP. Maybe it could be out by next August? Its hard to say because we know nothing. Its possible that they switched development a long time ago (Nintendo has probably been working on the 3DS for years now). This would explain why things have been so quiet. You can't really announce details about a game for a system that the public isn't even aware of.

Either way, I'm not too fussed. I just want the best Golden Sun game that can be made. And if I have to wait a little while longer for them to put out something genuinely amazing on the 3DS, that's a small price to pay.

Its possible it could be canceled, but it just doesn't seem likely to me. There are a lot of Golden Sun fans, and they'd be royally pissed at Nintendo if the game was just canceled after being revealed.

Even if it only used 3D for the battles, it would be worth it. I mean, the 3DS is coming out whether you like it or not, and why not make some games for it? I'm not sure if they would have to redo the entire graphics engine for a more powerful system, however.

Either way, I'm not too fussed. I just want the best Golden Sun game that can be made. And if I have to wait a little while longer for them to put out something genuinely amazing on the 3DS, that's a small price to pay.

Part of me would much rather see the very best the DS can do than a first gen 3DS game.

The final games of a console are incredibly often the games that hardcore gamers look back on as some of the greatest games of the generation.

Majora's Mask, Banjo-Tooie, Final Fantasy IX, Resident Evil 4, Okami, arguably Twilight Princess, etcetc. It'd be nice to see Golden Sun up there too.

Its possible it could be canceled, but it just doesn't seem likely to me. There are a lot of Golden Sun fans, and they'd be royally pissed at Nintendo if the game was just canceled after being revealed.

Golden Sun's fanbase is small compared to Kirby's.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Part of me would much rather see the very best the DS can do than a first gen 3DS game.

I don't see the very best the DS can do coming near what the 3DS could be capable of. What's wrong with progress?

The final games of a console are incredibly often the games that hardcore gamers look back on as some of the greatest games of the generation.

Majora's Mask, Banjo-Tooie, Final Fantasy IX, Resident Evil 4, Okami, arguably Twilight Princess, etcetc. It'd be nice to see Golden Sun up there too.

Yeah that's all well and good but I'd rather see it on the 3DS. Progress > nostalgia. It can be every bit as good on the 3DS as it would be on the DS. The difference is that on the 3DS there's potential for it to be even better.

I don't really understand the resistance unless you just don't want to wait that long. And that's fair enough if that's the case. But if you have a little patience in you, can't you see that this has the potential to be a very good move in more ways then one? I mean let's face it, the DS doesn't really need Golden Sun. It's library is fine without it. But the 3DS will need some great games to get it off the ground. I'd love to see Golden Sun there to lead the way. To me, its nothing but a savvy move on Nintendo's part (if this is indeed the case).

( Edited 02.04.2010 20:46 by Jacob4000 )

Jacob4000 said:
I don't see the very best the DS can do coming near what the 3DS could be capable of. What's wrong with progress?

First gen games of a console are often clumsy or glitchy. Part of me would want for GS to avoid being a first gen 3DS game, and that either means coming out on DS, or being built from scratch as a 3DS game and not coming out for a few years. That would be awesome, but I wouldn't be ecstatic with the wait.

Yeah that's all well and good but I'd rather see it on the 3DS. Progress > nostalgia.

Nostalgia has nothing to do with it. End-gen games are the culmination of everything the devs have learnt from that gen, which is why they're quite often much better than first gen games of the successing console

I don't really understand the resistance unless you just don't want to wait that long.

That's one reason yes. Cancellation is also a constant worry.

the DS doesn't really need Golden Sun. It's library is fine without it.

I'd rather the DS have an amazing send off than a mostly empty final year. That would be tragic and simply typical Nintendo.

But the 3DS will need some great games to get it off the ground. I'd love to see Golden Sun there to lead the way.

A decent point I spose, it would force me to get a 3DS on launch at the very least.

Nintendo really know how to play me.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Hmm, can definitely see both sides - would be good to have for the DS as it would need fairly big titles with the 3DS impending, but would definitely be a solid title for the new system. Perhaps 3DS-exclusive features but keeping regular DS fans happy too -

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

That's one reason yes. Cancellation is also a constant worry.

Moving to a new system doesn't = cancellation. One Kirby game isn't precedent. Even if Golden Sun gets canceled, I wouldn't attribute it to the 3DS.

First gen games of a console are often clumsy or glitchy. Part of me would want for GS to avoid being a first gen 3DS game, and that either means coming out on DS, or being built from scratch as a 3DS game and not coming out for a few years. That would be awesome, but I wouldn't be ecstatic with the wait.

Many first-gen games are, but how many first-gen Nintendo published games end up bad? Again, this isn't EA making ridge-racer DS here. This isn't Ubisoft trying to port some crap. This is a class A developer that is perfectly capable of delivering a quality title without needing to wait years upon years to get experience. I have full confidence in Camelot to deliver something great, and Nintendo to provide them with the tech they need.

End-gen games are the culmination of everything the devs have learnt from that gen, which is why they're quite often much better than first gen games of the successing console

Yes, a later gen 3DS game will be better than an earlier gen 3DS game. But I still think a first gen 3DS game has a very good chance of being better than a last gen DS effort. The 3DS will likely have everything the DS had and more technology wise. There's just no good reason not to put it on the 3DS unless they want to hit a release date for this year.

Why do you think Nintendo released Twilight Princess on Wii? Because there was no good reason not to put it on the Wii unless they wanted to hit a release date for an earlier time frame. They only kept it on Gamecube because the massive Zelda fanbase would have rioted. Golden Sun fans don't carry quite the weight of the Zelda fanbase, so I would guess this would be an even easier decision for Nintendo.

I'd rather the DS have an amazing send off than a mostly empty final year. That would be tragic and simply typical Nintendo.

That's more of a sentimental reason though, and not necessarily a good one. It somewhat irrelevant really. The best thing for Golden Sun itself is more development time and a release on better hardware. I personally want whats best for the game more than whats best for the DS.

Anyhow, if all of this ends up false and it comes out this Christmas for DS, that's perfectly cool too. Its going to be great regardless. I just can't help but get excited about the prospect of what they could do with some fantastic hardware. I just don't see any good reason not to get excited about the possibility!

A decent point I spose, it would force me to get a 3DS on launch at the very least.

You know after E3 you'll be getting one at launch anyway. Smilie

Hmm, can definitely see both sides - would be good to have for the DS as it would need fairly big titles with the 3DS impending, but would definitely be a solid title for the new system. Perhaps 3DS-exclusive features but keeping regular DS fans happy too -

That might be interesting! I'd worry that the features they added for 3DS would be a bit lame though, if the core game was still held back by the DS hardware.

( Edited 02.04.2010 23:05 by Jacob4000 )

Jacob4000 said:
Many first-gen games are, but how many first-gen Nintendo published games end up bad? Again, this isn't EA making ridge-racer DS here. This isn't Ubisoft trying to port some crap. This is a class A developer that is perfectly capable of delivering a quality title without needing to wait years upon years to get experience. I have full confidence in Camelot to deliver something great, and Nintendo to provide them with the tech they need.

Oh I'm definitely not saying it would be bad, but it perhaps wouldn't make nearly as good use of the system as a game released just a couple years later. Who knows how long we'd have to wait for GS4.

Yes, a later gen 3DS game will be better than an earlier gen 3DS game. But I still think a first gen 3DS game has a very good chance of being better than a last gen DS effort. The 3DS will likely have everything the DS had and more technology wise. There's just no good reason not to put it on the 3DS unless they want to hit a release date for this year.

I'm just worried we'll get a "DS game on 3DS" type affair. Super Paper Mario and Donkey Kong Barrel Blast were both GC games that were pretty much ported to Wii, and as I result parts of them felt like wasted effort. Why did we have to wait so long for them? A few measly Wii features that weren't even all that great.

I just don't see any good reason not to get excited about the possibility!

- The wait
- The chances that it will stand out like a sore thumb next to its "built of 3DS" launch friends for looking and playing like a DS game.
- The chance that to avoid the above scenario from happening, development would have to begin from scratch, making the top scenario (waiting) even more painful.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I know, right? No game has ever been ported with greatly improved quality from the previous system, especially not Resident Evil Zero.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I hope it does get pushed back. Golden Sun on the 3DS, how amazing could that be?

Not as amazing as one designed for the system from the ground up.

That said, if it needs the development time anyway (like Zelda did), then they might as well do it for the 3DS.

( Edited 03.04.2010 13:44 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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justonesp00lturn said:
I know, right? No game has ever been ported with greatly improved quality from the previous system, especially not Resident Evil Zero.

That's one game out of many.

Darkflame said:
Not as amazing as one designed for the system from the ground up.


That said, if it needs the development time anyway (like Zelda did), then they might as well do it for the 3DS.

Look at how badly TP is aged though, it truly looks and plays like a port of a last gen game.
That doubled with the fact that the GC and Wii are so close in power that porting that way doesn't matter as much, with a power difference like the one assumed for DS->3DS, it could be a problem that would result in a far longer development time.

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SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
I know, right? No game has ever been ported with greatly improved quality from the previous system, especially not Resident Evil Zero.

That's one game out of many.

Darkflame said:
Not as amazing as one designed for the system from the ground up.


That said, if it needs the development time anyway (like Zelda did), then they might as well do it for the 3DS.

Look at how badly TP is aged though, it truly looks and plays like a port of a last gen game.
That doubled with the fact that the GC and Wii are so close in power that porting that way doesn't matter as much, with a power difference like the one assumed for DS->3DS, it could be a problem that would result in a far longer development time.

Yeah. A Capcom game. If Capcom can put forth that much effort, the guys at Camelot can, too.
They've been working on this game since 2004. I don't think they'll suddenly get the urge to rush it out without providing the highest quality possible.
Long story short, I'm not that worried about it. I think they'll do a great job. Even if it's rushed to the next system, the game has taken so long to come out, it'll still feel like a huge step above the first two, and will likely be well worth the wait anyway.

Edit: Also, Twilight Princess is a bad example; that IS a last-gen game. The only difference in the two versions is the controls. It's not a true Wii game, really; it was designed for Gamecube and with Gamecube in mind.)

( Edited 03.04.2010 16:34 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:

They've been working on this game since 2004.

How do you know this?

Also, Twilight Princess is a bad example; that IS a last-gen game. The only difference in the two versions is the controls. It's not a true Wii game, really; it was designed for Gamecube and with Gamecube in mind.)

But that's what I'm worried about with GS, if they rush it to 3DS launch we'll essentially be playing a DS game on our 3DS'. Unless however, they delay it for a couple of years.

It will be worth the wait, oh yes, but the wait will be painful Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Look at how badly TP is aged though, it truly looks and plays like a port of a last gen game.
That doubled with the fact that the GC and Wii are so close in power that porting that way doesn't matter as much

That dosnt double the fact, that halfs the fact!

The GC and Wii are close enough that releasing Zelda on the Wii didnt make zelda look bad at all. In fact, its still one of the nicer looking Wii games, especially compared with 3rd party titles at the time.

The point was releasing Zelda on the Wii had no downside. The game needed the extra development time, and as a new system was coming, it made sense to release it for that too. Simultaneous development offered no disadvantage.

Also, imho, TP doesn't play any more/less like a "last gen" game then any other Wii game save perhaps for stuff like Red Steal 2 just out.
Nintendo certainly didnt implement any worse controlls then 99.9% of Wii titles designed for the ground up for the Wii.

( Edited 03.04.2010 17:42 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Not as amazing as one designed for the system from the ground up.

I'm not getting this complaint at all. The 3DS has everything the DS would have. So any game for the DS that gets moved to the 3DS will be atleast as good as it could have been on the DS. The only difference is that on the new hardware it has the potential to be better by taking advantage of new advances. Whereas on the current system its limited by five-year old hardware.

Keep in mind that the original Golden Sun started development for the N64 and then moved over to the GBA. And then of course there are rumors that this one actually started development on the Gamcube. System switching isn't anything new, and its not something that's going to stop these guys from making a great game. Again, if anything, its going to give them the tools to make something better.

I'm just worried we'll get a "DS game on 3DS" type affair. Super Paper Mario and Donkey Kong Barrel Blast were both GC games that were pretty much ported to Wii, and as I result parts of them felt like wasted effort. Why did we have to wait so long for them? A few measly Wii features that weren't even all that great.

That's a valid worry, but the thing is they really weren't any worse for appearing on Wii. Anyhow, I would argue that some games don't really have much to be advanced by the Wii. Its one advantage over the Gamecube is motion. And games like Paper Mario don't really need that.

However, with the 3DS, the system has greatly expanded power. I'm guessing that both screens will be multi-touchable, which could greatly improve an RPG interface, and an analog stick for improved movement. Not to mention that the system will undoubtedly have better audio quality, and I like me some Golden Sun music.

Plus, Golden Sun summons in 3D? You've got to be dead at heart if that doesn't excite you a little bit. Smilie

Point of all this is, there's a lot more room for innovation and growth with the move to the 3DS for a game like Golden Sun then there was for some of those games moving from Gamecube to Wii. What did Paper Mario have to gain by adding waggle? Not much, but I think Golden Sun can really flourish with the 3DS.

You and Darkflame seem to have this mental block against anything 3DS -- you just don't want the world to move on. Its okay guys! Come in to the light, the future is going to be fine. Smilie I absolutely adored my DS and still do. My favorite system of all time. But progress is not bad.

( Edited 03.04.2010 19:20 by Jacob4000 )

Jacob4000 said:
Plus, Golden Sun summons in 3D? You've got to be dead at heart if that doesn't excite you a little bit. Smilie

But that's what I'm worried about! Since development started as a DS game, what if it's not 3D at all? What if it's really shoddily done compared to other titles built from ground up for the system? This kind of thing happens a lot when games shift system production, and Golden Sun doesn't deserve it.

And yes, GS started on N64, and yes, this may have started on GC, but they weren't revealed back then. Why? Because they were nowhere near finished. The fact that GSDS was fully revealed says to me that the game was in some form of working order then. They would have to rebuild everything from scratch and they'd already come so far!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

But that's what I'm worried about! Since development started as a DS game, what if it's not 3D at all? What if it's really shoddily done compared to other titles built from ground up for the system? This kind of thing happens a lot when games shift system production, and Golden Sun doesn't deserve it.

Superlink, at every turn you're acting like these guys are Ubisoft. Camelot is a good developer. Relax, it'd still be fantastic if they turned around and announced 'Golden Sun, coming to all toaster ovens near you in late 2010'.

The fact that GSDS was fully revealed says to me that the game was in some form of working order then. They would have to rebuild everything from scratch and they'd already come so far!

I don't know how far along they really were if all that's been released is that video...hard to say. World's gone quiet since then. No screens, no trailers, no information at all. I don't really care if they start from scratch though. It can be better on 3DS. I'll wait.

Thats what it all comes down to. Stop worrying about the quality of the game. This is a talented developer working on their studio-defining game. Its going to be great. It just comes down to, can you wait a little longer? I can! Because timeframe is really the only valid reason not to want the move. This is a talented developer that can handle the jump to new hardware, because they already have several times. The only legitimate question is timeframe.

Jacob4000 said:
Thats what it all comes down to. Stop worrying about the quality of the game. This is a talented developer working on their studio-defining game. Its going to be great. It just comes down to, can you wait a little longer? I can! Because timeframe is really the only valid reason not to want the move. This is a talented developer that can handle the jump to new hardware, because they already have several times. The only legitimate question is timeframe.

Basically the way I see it is:

- If it arrives on 3DS launch we'll essentially be playing a DS game on 3DS
- If it gets delayed to be fully built on 3DS we'll be waiting 2-3 extra years.

I can't see it any other way. Camelot aren't a 1st or 2nd party dev, and Golden Sun clearly isn't very important to Nintendo, so there's a chance Camelot didn't get a 3DS devkit until very recently.

I imagine Camelot are quite annoyed anyway, the prospect of having to start again on a game that looked so brilliant May last year. You don't just "upgrade" the graphics and engine of a game for a completely different console.

EDIT: Aaaagh you're right, I'm being way too pessimistic Smilie we haven't even heard anything official yet, and even if it is a "DS game on 3DS" it'll still be fucking amazing.

( Edited 03.04.2010 19:43 by SuperLink )

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- If it arrives on 3DS launch we'll essentially be playing a DS game on 3DS
- If it gets delayed to be fully built on 3DS we'll be waiting 2-3 extra years.

I wouldn't mind the first one. It'd be every bit as good as the DS game would have been, with extra interface boosts like better touch screens and better visuals, which is never bad for a game like Golden Sun which had such a nice presentation. Though I don't see Camelot doing that to their studios' crown jewel. They'll want to make it the best it can be, which does lead to your next bullet.

However, 2-3 extra years is an overstatement. Handheld development typically takes two years maximum (the original Golden Sun took 18 months to develop, and that was considered a long time). And its possible that they got the devkits pretty soon after E3 -- which would make sense given that its been quiet since then. So, let's say the 3DS launches on March 15th (just a random date that fits in with Nintendo's announced timeline).

If they switched development at say July of last year, then they've already had 8 months of development time. And they have another 11 months until the (tentative) launch of the 3DS. I wouldn't expect it to be a launch game, but in the launch window. So let's say July/August of 2011. That gives it two years. And since they've been working on the game for so long now, its not like they have to refine the concept. They know what they want to do, they just have to implement it on the 3DS.

I can't see it any other way. Camelot aren't a 1st or 2nd party dev, and Golden Sun clearly isn't very important to Nintendo, so there's a chance Camelot didn't get a 3DS devkit until very recently.

That's possible, but at the same time Nintendo will need games to push the 3DS in its first year. I would guess they would be very aggressive in lining things up. The 3DS is as bold a move as the original DS was, and Nintendo knows they'll need good software there to sell it.

I imagine Camelot are quite annoyed anyway, the prospect of having to start again on a game that looked so brilliant May last year. You don't just "upgrade" the graphics and engine of a game for a completely different console.

Its just the nature of game development. I'm sure they might be a bit annoyed, but as long as Nintendo keeps up the funding, its not the end of the world for them. In fact, I'd guess they'd be even excited about the prospect of having more tools at their disposal to make a better game. As I've pointed out, this wouldn't be the first time they've had to make a move.

EDIT: Aaaagh you're right, I'm being way too pessimistic Smilie we haven't even heard anything official yet, and even if it is a "DS game on 3DS" it'll still be fucking amazing.


We've turned this one rumor into quite the epic discussion! Watch all of this just be a lie. Smilie

( Edited 03.04.2010 20:00 by Jacob4000 )

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