Not as amazing as one designed for the system from the ground up.
I'm not getting this complaint at all. The 3DS has everything the DS would have. So any game for the DS that gets moved to the 3DS will be atleast as good as it could have been on the DS. The only difference is that on the new hardware it has the potential to be better by taking advantage of new advances. Whereas on the current system its limited by five-year old hardware.
Keep in mind that the original Golden Sun started development for the N64 and then moved over to the GBA. And then of course there are rumors that this one actually started development on the Gamcube. System switching isn't anything new, and its not something that's going to stop these guys from making a great game. Again, if anything, its going to give them the tools to make something better.
I'm just worried we'll get a "DS game on 3DS" type affair. Super Paper Mario and Donkey Kong Barrel Blast were both GC games that were pretty much ported to Wii, and as I result parts of them felt like wasted effort. Why did we have to wait so long for them? A few measly Wii features that weren't even all that great.
That's a valid worry, but the thing is they really weren't any worse for appearing on Wii. Anyhow, I would argue that some games don't really have much to be advanced by the Wii. Its one advantage over the Gamecube is motion. And games like Paper Mario don't really need that.
However, with the 3DS, the system has greatly expanded power. I'm guessing that both screens will be multi-touchable, which could greatly improve an RPG interface, and an analog stick for improved movement. Not to mention that the system will undoubtedly have better audio quality, and I like me some Golden Sun music.
Plus, Golden Sun summons in 3D? You've got to be dead at heart if that doesn't excite you a little bit. 
Point of all this is, there's a lot more room for innovation and growth with the move to the 3DS for a game like Golden Sun then there was for some of those games moving from Gamecube to Wii. What did Paper Mario have to gain by adding waggle? Not much, but I think Golden Sun can really flourish with the 3DS.
You and Darkflame seem to have this mental block against anything 3DS -- you just don't want the world to move on. Its okay guys! Come in to the light, the future is going to be fine.
I absolutely adored my DS and still do. My favorite system of all time. But progress is not bad.
( Edited 03.04.2010 19:20 by Jacob4000 )