Update on Mistwalker's Last Story for Wii

By Adam Riley 01.04.2010 2

Update on Mistwalker

Mistwalker is quickly building up the hype machine for its Wii-exclusive RPG project, The Last Story. As well as unleashing a few more snippets of art from the upcoming adventure, more details have emerged. This week's update has the Director of the project discussing how "Within the world of computer graphics, the feeling of water is remarkably beautiful" and touches upon "the seas upon which the main characters head out." Could the game be mainly based out in the middle of the ocean, or will that be the main form of transport?

Whatever the case, the so-far-unnamed Director also mentions how the right sort of music within a game truly adds a whole new atmosphere to proceedings, confirming that he believes the team is...

"...progressing well with sound effect production. We placed importance on it from the start, and while it is out of the ordinary from a scheduling standpoint, we started sound development simultaneous with the start of production. In the 'world,' there exists 'sound' that has been running in parallel for a long time. The influence of this will pull the gameplay and cinematics in good directions, I believe."

The Producer then goes on to complement this by revealing how the in-game land of Ruli may not have aqueducts like in ancient Rome, but has plenty of canals that effect the day-to-day lives of the inhabitants. One the latest blog, he states, "The canals lead to the sea, and the sea teaches people that in order to head out on adventure, they need ships. The world is an island that will expand with the use of ships. Vehicles in a fantasy world are an important tool for getting you excited."

Do you feel excited about The Last Story yet, or are the small, cryptic revelations not really showing off enough about the title yet?

Box art for The Last Story





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I cant wait to play a new RPG, the wii has been lacking in anything really good RPG-wise, cant get excited about this yet though, I want some gameplay footage first, not this artwork crap

The game has really beautiful art and a great setting, I just hope the game itself delivers.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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