Nintendo DS Successor Outputs in 3D

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.03.2010 51

Nintendo DS Successor Outputs in 3D on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After months of speculation Nintendo has confirmed a new addition to the DS family - a portable that lets you play 3D games with the naked eye.

Upgraded graphics, sound and the like are expected, and the addition of 3D without the need for glasses seems to be the icing on the Nintendo cake. According to VG247 Satoru Iwata confirmed the new hardware in an investor report, revealing that it will continue the DS branding, tentatively named "3DS".

The 3DS is said to be backward compatible with the original DS games, and Nintendo are aiming to have it out in the Japanese wilderness by March 2011.

More details and the official reveal will come at this year's E3 Expo in June.

Update 1: A few new details from Nikkei have suggested that the console will have force feedback, bright and crisp screens, improved battery life and wireless connectivity. It might even include the rumoured accelerometer for a healthy dose of tilt-action.

What's even more interesting is that reports have claimed a "3D control stick" for those wanting a bit more precision.

Update 2: Cheif Spokesman Ken Toyoda has confirmed that 3DS will be playable at E3 (so expect the grand unveiling too). He also explained why 3DS was given an announcement before this years E3 "We wanted to give the gaming industry a head's up about what to expect from Nintendo at E3. We'll invite people to play with the new device then".

What do you think of having 3D games at your fingertips without the need for glasses - can it work, or will this be Virtual Boy mark 2?

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Big N dont care about HD wii but maybe a Wii 3D coming if this is ture

its just a bit too close to 1st of April for me to feel safe

( Edited 28.06.2013 06:59 by Guest )

Look on the Official Nintendo Site to see a better translation. (It's a pdf)

I can't wait to see how this looks. Smilie

( Edited 28.06.2013 06:59 by Guest )

Nah its legit, was even on nintendo japans site, knew it was coming, could tell from the slowdown in development of DS games. This may explain the recent rise in old gamecube games getting trademarks renewed like eternal darkness and luigis mansion, could be a few gamecube ports there. Cant wait

( Edited 28.06.2013 06:59 by Guest )

Sorry J, I deleted my post.

I'm not sure what to think. Maybe I'm a bit of a boring person, but I'm really not into the whole 3D thing. It just feels like a gimmick, to me. If they can really pull it off without glasses though, I'd be a little more interested in it.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about it.

( Edited 28.06.2013 06:59 by Guest )

I can't see how they are going to do 3D without glasses...

..Ahh! Maybe they'll have a camera in the front which will track your face and change the angle on screen accordingly? That would be quite cool because you could look 'round corners in third person games.

DSi 3D game lol

( Edited 23.03.2010 09:37 by Jump_button )

well we cant really say either way what we think until we actully see something, could be great, could be lame.

I am glad to hear March 2011 though, its doesnt feel so soon and upgrading to a DSi now dosnt feel too late. Ima get me some DSiware.

Wow, this is a pretty major announcement. I was thinking how cool a 3D DS would be (like the one in Jump's link). However, that game most certainly relies on an accelerometer and tilting to achieve the effect, while a true 3D game must produce 2 distinct images, one for each eye, which would be very difficult without glasses.

I am very excited for further details.

Edit: Also, 4chan are fretting about how it will be hard to pirate on the computer. Lol.

( Edited 23.03.2010 10:14 by PMD )

I knew it Smilie New hand held, awesome! But it won't hit here till Christmas 2011 which is a shame Smilie

Arrg, it's too soon. Atleast it's backward compatible with DS and DSi, but man that means region locking, what a pain in the ass, I loved being able to import DS games :/

As for the 3D, it could be something we grow to love in gaming. I'll wait until I have my hands on it to judge.
I hope there will be some good titles for it. I'm especially worried about:

Golden Sun 3
Pokémon 5
The 4 remaining Layton games

Are they all going to be cancelled or have their 4 remaining localizations cancelled just because of this new machine? Because I'm REALLY looking forward to them :/

I hope this isn't a mistake Nintendo...

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wAyNe @ woRk (guest) 23.03.2010#11

PMD says: However, that game most certainly relies on an accelerometer and tilting to achieve the effect, while a true 3D game must produce 2 distinct images, one for each eye, which would be very difficult without glasses.

The game only uses the two cameras to create that effect. It's DSiWare so doesn't use any accelerometers. I think anyway.

If they mean steroscopic, then its Parallax barrier technique I assume. (
I actualy thought the original DS would have had it, guess I was a generation out.
(Actualy, you can have a steroscopic effect on a DS black and white...sideways;
Id advise homebrewers to check it out, its weird. Also, check out Tepples reply!)

Id hope head tracking is used, as that's more important imho. headtracking, btw. It isnt tilt sensing.

(Gota love how none of the rumours got this though. Prooves they were just guessing all along.)

( Edited 23.03.2010 13:52 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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That sounds so weird. Since when has Nintendo gone down the 3D (or any other high tech) path? A few months ago, Iwata told the world how he thought 3D was overrated.

Wait, he did mention that he didn't like the glasses... Hmm..

SuperLink said:
Arrg, it's too soon. Atleast it's backward compatible with DS and DSi, but man that means region locking, what a pain in the ass, I loved being able to import DS games :/

As for the 3D, it could be something we grow to love in gaming. I'll wait until I have my hands on it to judge.
I hope there will be some good titles for it. I'm especially worried about:

Golden Sun 3
Pokémon 5

The 4 remaining Layton games

Are they all going to be cancelled or have their 4 remaining localizations cancelled just because of this new machine? Because I'm REALLY looking forward to them :/

I hope this isn't a mistake Nintendo...

I have a strong suspicion that we'll be seeing again what happened with late GB games; as in upgraded features when used with GBA. Imagine if Pokemon 5 is in full proper 3D on regular DS, and then enhanced for this new machine. [Drools]

Phoenixus said:
I have a strong suspicion that we'll be seeing again what happened with late GB games; as in upgraded features when used with GBA. Imagine if Pokemon 5 is in full proper 3D on regular DS, and then enhanced for this new machine. [Drools]

As nice as that would be, the enhancements would probably be incredibly minor.

The "Advance Shop" from the Oracle Zelda games were pretty shit tbh Smilie

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Jim (guest) 23.03.2010#16

Yay someone doing 3D right and getting rid of the fucking retarded glasses.

More rumours;

1) Two screens, with virtually no seam between them when open
2) Screens are higher resolution, but exact resolution is unknown
3) Powered by nVidia Tegra
4) Roughly as powerful as a Gamecube, and apparently similar to program for
5) Uses carts - believed to be same size as DS/DSi carts, only with different guts
6) Due out in 2010 in at least one territory

1,4 & 6 have my attention. Smilie

Phoenixus said:

4) Roughly as powerful as a Gamecube, and apparently similar to program for
1,4 & 6 have my attention. Smilie

4 would have my attention if not for pessimism being so contagious ._.

Everyone on other forums is like "Great shovelware and PS2 and PSP and GC and Wii ports".
I bloody hope not T_T

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A bit early, I wanted the DS to beat the PS2's sales before it's successor was released.

L said:
A bit early, I wanted the DS to beat the PS2's sales before it's successor was released.

I think it'll get there after the 3DS is released no problem.

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SuperLink said:
L said:
A bit early, I wanted the DS to beat the PS2's sales before it's successor was released.

I think it'll get there after the 3DS is released no problem.

I reckon it will reach it by the end of the year to be honest. I doubt it will hit here this year, that means there is still the xmas/thanksgiving period to go through again, and if I remember correctly, it boosted sales exponentially.

AdamC3 (guest) 23.03.2010#22

Adding to that list of information apparently gleaned from devs at GDC, the two screens can be turned into just one big one so developers can make a large one-screen game if they prefer. This should definitely help get some PSP ports/upgrades at least...

AdamC3 (guest) said:
Adding to that list of information apparently gleaned from devs at GDC, the two screens can be turned into just one big one so developers can make a large one-screen game if they prefer. This should definitely help get some PSP ports/upgrades at least...

I imagine (like I said before) that there will be two sets of buttons allowing it to be played on it's side, so you can have a landscape view Smilie

Wow, sounds awesome. I can't wait to hear more.

Although had this been April 1 (and no on Nintendo's own site) I would have thought this to be a April Fool's joke.

AdamC3 (guest) said:
This should definitely help get some PSP ports/upgrades at least...

See this is my #1 worry. Ports.
Either it'll be port city like the Wii (which is a bad thing) or it'll be lovely remakes and original content like the DS.

Really hope it's the latter.

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