No Hub for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.03.2010 33

No Hub for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed what recent screenshots suggested: There will be no hub in Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Up until now all of Mario's 3D platformers have had an overworld to explore, each of the stages split up and accessible by doors, paintings and the like. However Miyamoto and the team behind his next game feel that having a main overworld might make getting between levels, and backtracking a bit of a pain.

To remedy this he suggests a each world presented in a long line of planets - think StarFox or classic Mario.

You can think of it in terms of something similar to Super Mario World or New Super Mario Bros. Wii, where you will have a rather convenient map to navigate.

We want players to focus on the joy of the action instead of getting to each game course. We wanted to make it as accessible as possible and as easy as possible for the players. Also because we’re going to incorporate a number of different stars and conquering all the stars is going to be one of the most challenging missions for the player, we want them to understand as easy as possible where they should go next and which places they should go back to in order to get access to the remaining stars.

Image for No Hub for Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii

Do you enjoy the exploration aspect a hub would provides or the more linear sequence found in the Super Mario Bros 2D games?

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





3D Platformer



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I'm kind of disappointed...

Even though I did think that the main pub in Galaxy was a little too big. It was also a pain to get to the higher levels (even with Mario's flight ability).

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Ultimately, I don't think it'll matter, the only real difference will be not having to run to each level entrance.. you'll just select it. It's worked in every other Mario game, so why the hell not.

What do you expect them to do, wipe your rear-ends too? Come on. You guys are crying over a hub world. I wouldn't give a damn if it was in it or not. The game play video looked great!

I want to see this game get a 10 out of 10 just to shut up the so called higher up Sonic fanboys.

"Oh yeah, Sonic 4 episode 1? Why can't the lazy bastards just release the game at once?"

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
What do you expect them to do, wipe your rear-ends too? Come on. You guys are crying over a hub world. I wouldn't give a damn if it was in it or not. The game play video looked great!

Don't you remember exploring Peach's Castle for the first time? The Secret Slide? The Moat? The Metal Cap in the Waterfall? If you're not going to miss any of that you have no heart.

I want to see this game get a 10 out of 10 just to shut up the so called higher up Sonic fanboys.

"Oh yeah, Sonic 4 episode 1? Why can't the lazy bastards just release the game at once?"

What the hell is the point in this part of your post? Seriously, how does this have anything to do with Galaxy 2 other than a childish jab at me? Why do you think Sonic fans even care that another game gets 10/10? That's happening all the time. And "higher up"? Are you having a laugh? The Sonic fanbase is bullied by pretty much every other fanbase in existence (with good reason), how are they "higher up"?

PS. They can't release it all at once because the download would be too big to put on the Wii.
Which is actually a legitimate reason for what they're doing. There is no legitimate reason for taking out something that makes the 3D Mario experience better.

Atleast know the facts before you complain about something.
/tangent rant

( Edited 24.03.2010 12:25 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

So it will have a map screen instead? Cool, Not too fussed about hubs, even the M64 or sunshine ones were ok, but sometimes when there was nothing to acomplish, I just thought how boring it was having to cross the city in order to go to the next level. M64 was worse cause it took you longer let's say if you wanted to go back to a level you've done. So this to me means pretty much nothing because ya know, Mario games, as long as the levels are good I will be very happy.

NSMBW was fantastic, had plenty of secrets I reckon, alternate ends to stages which would take you to hidden stages, the stuff you unlock with the coins, and the levels weren't even dumbed down as many cry it to be. Pretty damn hard some of those stages were, specially in the last road. Like Mario world or SMB3, the secrets were stages you could go, nothing more. Yet some complain of the lack of these secrets knowing that every world 1-9 had secret levels, alternate endings, etc.

AH well, as long as this levels are fun and good, I'll be happy.

Andrezao said:
NSMBW was fantastic, had plenty of secrets I reckon, alternate ends to stages which would take you to hidden stages, the stuff you unlock with the coins, and the levels weren't even dumbed down as many cry it to be. Pretty damn hard some of those stages were, specially in the last road. Like Mario world or SMB3, the secrets were stages you could go, nothing more. Yet some complain of the lack of these secrets knowing that every world 1-9 had secret levels, alternate endings, etc.

NSMBW was very different to SMW.

In NSMBW: Find an alternate ending to find a hidden stage, and that's that.
In SMW: Find an alternate ending OR switch (some stages had multiple secrets too) and then either find a secret stage or a whole SERIES of secret stages or even an alternate path that will take you to the next world, or get you to a later world.

NSMBW was a linear path with stages 1-8 per world, but SMW had stages sprawled out randomly across a whole island, it felt a lot more like exploring.
I really feel like NSMBDS/W was a huge step back.

And of course it was often way more imaginative than just a pipe or cannon.

PS. Would you seriously not miss things like the Princess' Secret Slide or the Slide under the Moat or the Metal Cap behind the Waterfall? Seriously? Those secrets were amazing because they were so well hidden... some were so well hidden they felt like glitches.

( Edited 24.03.2010 20:09 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Guest (guest) 25.03.2010#32

In NSMBW: Find an alternate ending to find a hidden stage, and that's that.
In SMW: Find an alternate ending OR switch (some stages had multiple secrets too) and then either find a secret stage or a whole SERIES of secret stages or even an alternate path that will take you to the next world, or get you to a later world

This is plainly not true. In the later worlds, some secret exits do lead to a series of new levels. Off the top of my head, the secret exit in the mid-world castle in World 7 opens up access to levels in the clouds above the main world. Not to mention the levels are all around more well-designed in NSMBW. I love SMW as much as anyone else, but the levels are far more straightforward than I remember. Stop making it seem like NSMBW was a half-hearted attempt, because it clearly wasn't.

Andrezao (guest) 25.03.2010#33

I never got into the hubs, not really hard to understand I reckon, I like to get straight into the action with Mario games, exploring means nothing unless it's mario rpg. That is what it is to me anyways. Like Metroid, Having a hub is essential because there's you can explore and collect, Mario not so much. Side step or hidden stages in Mario 64 didn't add anything to me and turned me off a lot having to cross the whole place.

I really don't agree with you when it comes down with NSMBW, it seems you're affraid about casuals so Miyamoto is now fucked cause he wants to make things accessible, yet, Zelda, Mario and other franchises didn't suffer from this, Miyamoto is still a genius as he ever was and nothing has been detracted because of him. But hey whatever you think whatever you want but it seems pointless to me.

btw: SMW and NSMBW comparison was... lacking substance, because you know it's the same thing when it comes down to hidden stuff, alternate endings, or switches. SMB3 had almost none of that, yet it was prob the best 2d Mario game ever. And what made it so successful? Pure fun. Awesome level design and the powerups made it a fantastic game. You see? Simplicity, NSMBW has more secrets than that, more mechanics than it also.
To the point, no I didn't like hubs like in SM Sunshine or 64, I prefer a map screen for those games, When it was first introduced in M64 I didn't like the idea, so yeah, but hey that's me.

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