Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.03.2010 16

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA have updated the official website for its upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog downloadable, complete with a bunch of new screens and info.

As well as a look at the opening stage, Splash Hill Zone, and the blue wonder's homing attack, the Sonic the Hedgehog 4 website has finally brought to light the second featured character. As expected it's Dr. Eggman/Robotknick, now hellbent on bringing Sonic down after many failed attempts on the SEGA Mega Drive and Master System.

Image for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music

Image for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music

Image for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music

You can also grab the background music behind Splash Hill, here.

Image for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music

Image for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music

Image for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music

Image for Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - New Screens, Music

Box art for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (2 Votes)

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Looks pretty darn good, though I do wish they would have done a more original looking level.

Thing is with the original Sonic foursome was that all the levels were different - don't want this to be a Sonic 1 clone!

( Edited 15.01.2013 04:55 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Episode 1 is just a prologue to Sonic 4, so we could be seeing some lovely variety in the future episodes where the adventure really begins.

Sonic alone, GHZ like stage, Sonic 1 like Special Stages, Episode 1 mostly seems like a throwback to Sonic 1.

( Edited 15.01.2013 04:55 by Guest )

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Lyra said:
Sonic alone, GHZ like stage, Sonic 1 like Special Stages, Episode 1 mostly seems like a throwback to Sonic 1.

Well yes - tribute and all, they could have been a little bit more imaginative! Ah well, it does look pretty solid from these screens - hoping they fix up the animation and we'll be good to go!

( Edited 15.01.2013 04:55 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's looking nicer, from those new screens. Although, personally, I still don't like that shiny effect over the environment, it makes it look like some of the stage is made from plastic.

( Edited 20.12.2012 03:49 by Guest )

After seeing more screens, it does look like Sonic1. But I think this will be due a prologue, maybe we will see some new stages later on in the episodes. Plus I want Tails and Knuckles to be in episode 2. Good that you can listen to the first stage music on the site.

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Telia George (guest) 19.03.2010#6

OMIGOD! I looks beutiful it literally made tears roll from my bare cheeks! I absolutely cannot wait for this to come! I will get it on XBox I think SmilieSmilieSmilie

Music's pretty good - must be Jun right? Sounds so much like his stuff midi-fied, especially the main riff and how the section ends to loop into the main bit again.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Music's pretty good - must be Jun right? Sounds so much like his stuff midi-fied, especially the main riff and how the section ends to loop into the main bit again.

Yeah Jun's the lead composer.
Sounds like it could be a return to form after the meh-fest that was the Black Knight soundtrack.

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I think the grass looks fine. It was never meant to be photo-realistic anyway. And since this is only the first stage, I am guessing that the next stages will be a bit more varied. It always starts off in some sort of grass/jungle level.

Looking good, i like the first level looks like sonic 1 HD, its gonna get me in the right mood, and every 2D sonic game starts with a sunny grassy level anyway, this is expected. Still annoyed with pre-rendered 3d over 2d sprites but whatever, also i hope i can turn off homeing attacks.

Looking good! Im liking the colors! The Hues of blues Smilie

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The music is just pretty standard really, nothing special, in my opinion.

Those screens look yummy. Smilie. I'll get it on the PSN. Smilie

I liked they squeezed some water refraction in there.
As if to say "yay, its 99.9% old style, but we can still chuck in the odd nice modern effect" <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I really like the music. Smilie

The graphics are looking great also. Can' wait for all the episodes to be released. Smilie

Will this new lock-on addition be a noob move? It was only really necessary in 3D because you couldn't control the bleeder. Does a 2D game really need it?

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