Rumour: DS Follow-up by the end of 2010?

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2010 32

Rumour: DS Follow-up by the end of 2010? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could 2010 be the year for a new Nintendo portable? Rumblings from GDC this week suggest that the follow-up to the DS will be out by the end of the year.

According to GameInformer the new hardware would not be an existing remodel of the original DS, but instead a true follow-up again boasting two screens, larger than the regular DS, however sources are suggesting that the gap between will be so narrow that two could literally become one large screen. To play catch-up with modern phones, there's also said to be a built-in accelerometer to tilt and track the way you're holding.

Power wise, anonymous developers are stating that kits they've received are comparable in power to those used for GameCube projects. Those already crafting games say that there isn't too much of a learning curve.

More sources are suggesting that there might be an announcement at this year's E3, with a release towards the end of 2010.

Do you think there's some truth to these rumours? Would you be interested in a more powerful DS?

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Its pretty obvious the next new handheld will come soon, as ive said before games from major developers has come to a crawl, nintendo itself has a slim lineup in development for the DS.

So soon we will be playing Metroid Dread and Mario Sunshine DS Smilie
Oh yeah and Eternal Darkness and Luigis Mansion have recently had there trademarks refreshed, maybe possible launch titles...

I would think if they announce the DS2 this early, they would destroy any possible sales for the DSi XL in the US.

As far as software goes as long as the DS2 is backwards compatible, it should not affect anything.

Nah. We're looking, at least, to an E3 2011 reveal and an end of 2011 release. The DSi XL is selling very well and revealing a DS2 would be the wrong action at the wrong time.

Freaknik™ (guest) 16.03.2010#29

Phoenixus said:

see y'all This iz proof Dat de ds2 Has been Out in denmark for 20 Yeahs

Having the DSi XL just recently launched will not subtract from the momentum of a new handheld launch. Nintendo are loosing out to iPhone and the with the looming launch of the Mobile 7 mobile platform portable gaming for a game centric device is limited.

Nintendo know that the markets are changing and they need to grasp the consumer changes rapidly, a new console launch generates sufficient hype that could generate a loss to rivals regardless of when the expected launch of the new platform is expected.

People buy into the thought and if Nintendo reveal a device that as expected is a media device capable of more than just the gaming ideology, will appeal to the growth of the *ipod consumer and affect the adoption rate of the iPod Touch & iPhone growth.

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Bill (guest) 17.03.2010#31

I don't think the DSi XL being released so recently isn't going to be a factor in a possible DS2 launch. Remember the GB Micro?

Me and some of the technology journalists have some more gossip will post in a bit got a meeting to prepare for.

I got one thing to say though Plica

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