Netflix Considering DS Video Streaming?

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.03.2010 8

Netflix Considering DS Video Streaming? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Netflix quizzed users last year on a Wii version of its software and with that being a reality, another survey is now suggesting Netflix for DS.

According to Kotaku, the video streaming experts are now pondering bringing the platform to Nintendo's handheld.

The homebrew scene has prooven that video performance on the DS's ickle screens are sufficient, and with the DSi XL boasting 4.2 inchers, it should make watching video content on the move more comfortable.

Imagine that Netflix offers its subscribers the ability to instantly watch movies and & TV episodes on their Nintendo DS. The selection available to instantly watch includes some new releases, lots of classics and TV episodes.

There are no advertisements or trailers, and movies start in as little as 30 seconds. You can fast-forward, rewind, and pause or watch again. The movies & TV episodes you instantly watch are included in your Netflix membership at no additional fee.

Would you be interested in Netflix for the DS - would you stream video content using Wi-Fi?

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I doubt I would watch movies on my DS. Maybe television shows, but even then, I would rather watch them on my netbook.

Rod (guest) 10.03.2010#2

I would like small videos to watch whenever but I dunno if I can be bothered looking for Wifi to get videos, maybe on a plane or train that has Wifi but it's too rare.Smilie

I'd like to be able to download netflix content to my system, and then watch it on the go (maybe once and then DRM deletes it or something..). I don't think netflix (or its partners) would go for that though.

Maybe on a more 3G product, sorry Nintendo but you really need to consider 3G on DS's successor for more better internet gameing. Or partner with sprint to get their 4G coverage.

Or even put a 3G to 4G coverage on the home console and allow the handhelds to connect to that.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Umm, hell yeah!!! Sign me up! Boy if they offer this service, they can have my money! Smilie

I personally feel that the current Wii netflix offering seems very limited from a technical point of view. It's bit rate push is around 600k a second 200k lower than that of the Wii iPlayer.

Netflix should consider a download option but this is then feeds the problem of storage.

Not ideal on the current platform regardless of the DSi using SD expansion.

" class='fmlink' target="_blank">

i actually don't care for netflix on the DSi/LX

at least not until their internet upgrades to 3G or 4G like what was mentioned here.

and i like to see my shows and movies on something larger than palm sized. i barely even watch videos on my phone.

rather concentrate on games and extended capabilites of the hardware that will effect how we play games, don't care much for add-on features for my handhelds. i don't want this to follow PSP and Sony's angle on how a system should do it all.

MightyHorace said:
I personally feel that the current Wii netflix offering seems very limited from a technical point of view. It's bit rate push is around 600k a second 200k lower than that of the Wii iPlayer.

How do you know that? Netflix isn't available on Wii yet.

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