Dunaway Believes DS Still Has Room For Growth

By 05.03.2010 19

Dunaway Believes DS Still Has Room For Growth on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking to VentureBeat, Cammie Dunaway has expressed some of her views on the DS and how it still has room to grow in the US.

Since the launch of the DS in Japan it has it has gone on to sell record numbers and now one in two consumers own a DS. In America one in four own a DS, which still leaves room for it to grow, according to Cammie. So if Japan is the benchmark for America, then Nintendo will have to sell twice as many systems as it already has.

in Japan, one in two consumers has a DS. But in America? It is one in four. So we have room to grow.

She also asked about expanding Nintendo properties to other forms of technology, like Facebook.

VB: If Facebook gets really popular, wouldn’t it be a good idea to put Mario on it?

CD: (Laughs). I don’t know. I think we will continue to save Mario for our own platforms. It’s one of the secret weapons we have. Mario and Zelda are intellectual property that is important to us and will only be seen on Nintendo platforms.

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Cammie (guest) 06.03.2010#1

Lol she probably dont even know what Facebook is. Is it another games console? LOL!!!SmilieSmilie

( Edited 12.11.2012 19:06 by Guest )

Julian (guest) 06.03.2010#2

I am uncertain about a new DS or a new Gameboy. I think Nintendo can do a lot more with the DS. While it's reaching its peak it still has a lot of new games and good games to give to gamers. PSP and iPod are catching up to the DS and the ipod is doing very well but the DS has some time left before Nintendo need to bring out a new one they can take their time!

( Edited 12.11.2012 19:06 by Guest )

I think it does have room to grow... but it may be time to get another handheld out there in the next year or two.

Cammie: "PUPPIES ARE CUTE!" *huge smile*
"New Super Mario Bros Wii is a great title that I enjoy playing." *dies on first goomba*

( Edited 12.11.2012 19:06 by Guest )

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

Does certainly have room to grow, there's still a lot of good games out this year - Dementium II, Infinite Space, Dragon Quest IX, GhostWire, WarioWare DIY, Poke Gold/Silver etc - but you can sense it slipping past its peak I think.

A new handheld, or at least one becoming official through an announcement, is likely I think - if not at GDC, at E3.

Within the next 2 years I think, they definitely won't kill off the DS to make room for it, but I think it'll naturally slow down like the GBA did.

Bastardman said:
DS certainly has room for growth. Isn't that DSI XL coming out soon? Smilie


( Edited 12.11.2012 19:06 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm not sure about this, I still feel confident that the next generation in Nintendo portable consoles will be announced shortly.

Nintendo is complicating the sales figures with various models which if we look at the most recent model the DSi XL clocking in at 24,000 compared to the PSP-3000 and it's 32,000 I would say that the DS is actually over it's sales peak now.

Each Month the PSP is maintaining a steady sales lead. What is more interesting is the sales figures for iPod touch and iPhone, Apple refuse to comment on sales but global expectations for the past quarter clocked in at 17.5 Million..... pretty impressive.

Nintendo see's the iPod affect as a huge impact on DS sales and as I previously commented feel that they really need to embrace the iPod culture, something IGN also picked up on. The current DS hardware is no longer delivering the goods, Nintendo has scaled back on development on the platform, that is the main sign to me...

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I think it can still grow a bit with the casual audience. But not with the hardcore gamers. 90%+ of the hardcore gamers which were likely to buy one for its incredibly good games already did IMHO.

As a hardcore gamer, still content with its first model Electric Blue DS and not seeing enough incentive in the DSi or DSi XL, i think the new generation couldn't be too soon anymore.

( Edited 16.03.2010 00:11 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

In order for the system and platform to grow Nintendo can't bury their heads in the sand over their own inferior online infrastructure. I'm not saying the next DS needs 3G, its quite slow and no good for anything more than e-mail or Facebook really, but fix the infrastructure:

The DSiWare store is slow, hopelessly difficult to navigate and lacking in content, as well as having a strange pricing structure making fun little apps ridiculously overpriced. Like a previous poster mentioned, Apple is blazing the way here and Nintendo need to do what they do best, innovate.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.
TokyoRed (guest) 28.04.2010#8

I'm quite happy to have learned that Nintendo is bringing a new handheld device to replace the Nintendo DS to the E3 conference this summer. So far, rumor has it that this new handheld which is currently being refered to as "3DS" will be released in the United Kingdom in October of this year.

I currently own the Nintendo DSi and I primarily wanted the DSi so I could play the upcoming WayForward Shantae and the highly anticipated Golden Sun DS.

I plan to keep my Nintendo DSi and I am looking forward to purchasing the new Nintendo handheld as I hope it will be far better than the iPod Touch and iPad. I hope it will have great graphical capabilities that will rival those of the PSP and iPod Touch.

I really enjoy all things Nintendo related. Nintendo has always being my favorite gaming company and I hope that Nintendo will continue to innovate and continue to bring good things to the table. Now if only they would announce Super Mario Galaxy Mobile for this new handheld.

maia (guest) 07.05.2010#9

hey everyone who owns ds or dsi you should get dementium and dementium 2 they are great horror games I AM A hardcore horror gamer I hope they make more horror games for ds or dsi

maia (guest) 07.05.2010#10

yes I think the dsi or ds has room to grow when they keepcomming out with games likes dementium and dementium 2 they need to more hard core horror and horror survival games I THINK M RATED GAMES WOULD BRING MORE ADULTS such as myself.

There's still a bit of life to squeeze out of the DS/DSi... like where's the other DSi-exclusives? I see a few DSi-enhanced, but no exclusives. I do think it's time for a change though and Nintendo made the right decision to announce the 3DS. Roll on E3 is all I can say. Smilie

Also, going back to what TokyoRed said... Super Mario Galaxy on the 3DS would be fucking awesome, I don't even care if it's just a port.. playing Galaxy on the go would be great.

EDIT: I didn't know this thread had been inactive for a while... I just saw the poll in the sidebar and it sounded like an interesting subject.

( Edited 20.05.2010 07:45 by Mush123 )

capt xena 31 (guest) 29.05.2010#12

like I said before I think the ds or dsi has a fighting chance if games like demenetium the ward and dementium 2 are made theese are great first person survival horror games I think if they make more games geared towards adults such as myself I think the ds or the dsi will do good.

maia (guest) 03.06.2010#13

um this is to cammie I happen to know what face book is thank you very much :

maiajones (guest) 04.06.2010#14

hey it's me capt xena 31 aka maia jones I think the ds/dsi will hit it big with kingdom hearts 358/2 days my cousin said he wants a blak dsi just so he can get this game he is a huge kingdom hearts fan he has played eveyone thats come out I never played kingdom hearts before but he talks about it so much that I am going to buy it for my dsi. ok can we pick a new topic to talk about oh has anyone played dementium the ward and dementium 2 I know you guys maybe getting sick of me rant about dementium the ward but it is really a fun game you guys should give it a try.

maiajones (guest) 04.06.2010#15

Hey everyone I have a new topic I want to talk about games geared towards the girl gamer now this is just me talking and I am not speaking for all girl gamers but I really don't like the games that they market for to us there albout taking care of babies ,pets ,put on make up and dressing up or planting flowers and cooking now to me theese games are kind of wussy as for me I like fighting games or games for where you blow thing up I also like survial horror or horror games. I hope cubed will pick this for a topic

maia jones (guest) 06.06.2010#16

um hey Everyone you should really get kingdom hearts 358/2days for dsi I just got it today and it is great my cousin swears by it. me and other family members chiped in and brought him a black dsi and the kingdom hearts game for his birthday plus this is his last year in high school . boy will he be surpized. I can't wait to see his face when he opens his gift And my dsi will be getting a workout now that out of college for the summer I just started to play kingdom hearts 358/2days and I plan to get as far as I can before school starts and inbetween looking for a job

maia jones (guest) 13.06.2010#17

man the more SURVIVAL horror games i find for my dsi the more i like it; a few days ago I was surfing the net looking for good ds/dsi games and I fell upon redident evil deadly silence it really a good game Like said before I AM A HUGE survial horror fan so I really hope they keep making horror games for the dsi/ds I also like my new kingdom hearts game I am a new fan of kingdom hearts and plan to get kingdom hearts birth by sleep for my psp which comes this fall I already preodered my copy from game stop if you guys have a psp you get this game the only drang about geting the game is that I will back in college so I won't be able 2 play as much but in between studying I WILL PLAY IT DURNING MY STUDY BREAKS OH IF are stuck on any game you should go to a game walkthough site called IGN it can help you on almost any game for all your sytems even your hand held sytems just thought I WOULD GIVE YOU GUYS AT TIP on where 2 go when you get stuck on your games and it's free it beats pay 20 bucks for a book on how 2 beat the game.

Since my DS died, i'm waiting on the 3DS before I purchase anything else.


I am hopeful it still has room to grow, the DSi wasn't exactly the "next" step.

I'm still a bit upset the "rumble" feature totally got dismissed...

What portable offered that??!! And I didn't want to keep my DSPhat just for rumble...


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