Nintendo AUS: Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid M Wii Due Summer

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.02.2010 12

Nintendo AUS: Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid M Wii Due Summer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of Australia has confirmed that a pair of the most anticipated Wii games are heading to stores this summer.

According to IGN, Greg Arthurtonl confirmed that both Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Team Ninja's Metroid: Other M are not holiday 2010 releases, with dates aimed at the summer or earlier, most likely between June and August this year.

Nintendo is expected to elaborate and churn out a few more dates this week at its various Media Summits.

With room now open for major Christmas releases, what do you think Nintendo will wrap the end of the year with?

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy 2





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A few options:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Pikmin 3
- Wii Vitality game
- Project Sora game
- Retro Studios game
- Miyamoto's secret Motion+ game
- Secret Mario game leaked by Charles Martinet
- Any number of rumored games (i.e. Kid Icarus)
- Any number of as of yet unused franchises (i.e. Star Fox)

( Edited 24.02.2010 18:09 by Sonic_13 )

I wonder if The Last Story and Xenoblade could be a big Western releases for Winter 2010...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I doubt Nintendo will release something this year if they haven't even announced it yet.

*Comes* Oh shit I am gonna go nuts on games during those months!

But money to buy Monster Hunter 3, Sin and Punishment, NMH2, RS2,SMG2, M:0M just in the first quater might not be available to me... *cries*

I think Pikmin 3 could be out for Christmas and maybe a new game that Nintendo will show at E3.

In my opinion, this year has been great for the Wii and it looks to continue that way.

PMD said:
I doubt Nintendo will release something this year if they haven't even announced it yet.

They did with NSMB Wii last year at E3. Smilie

Bullshit! Why would they release these in the Summer??

Guest 24.02.2010#8

White Ranger said:
Bullshit! Why would they release these in the Summer??

So you can get hot while playing with Samus?

Or is it winter in Australia then?

Mario Galaxy 2! *dies of excitement*

I would love to see game play of both titles, which will decide if I get Metroid or not

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

If Zelda comes out this year, it'll most likely only be in Japan. And they won't rush a Zelda game to get it out. So they probably need to be packing something special this holiday season. Some of these suggestions are good, but I don't know how likely they are. Nintendo would likely need to announce them sometime soon, though I guess a summer announcement for a winter game isn't too unlikely.
I'm hoping for a Zelda, but I won't hold my breath. I'd rather have them take their time and make a great game.
I think it should be noted that Project Sora still has some super-secret project under wraps. But seeing how long they take between Smash Bros. games, I would think that's not even on the table for this winter.

NNID: crackedthesky
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I kinda agree with White Ranger because I was hoping them both earlier but whatever I can't do anything so I can't do shit but you know just be happy they're not coming later than that. I just can't wait for Super Mario Galaxy 2 but for Metroid: Other M not so worried about not getting that because I've not too much of a Metroid, although it looks freaken awesome.

Bastardman said:
White Ranger said:
Bullshit! Why would they release these in the Summer??

So you can get hot while playing with Samus?

Or is it winter in Australia then?

Well it will be Winter in Australia then...but im in England....

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