Red Steel 2 Wii Bad Day Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.02.2010 12

Red Steel 2 Wii Bad Day Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Red Steel 2 is on the brink of release, and publisher Ubisoft have released a new trailer to promote the game... Bad Day.

You wake up one morning, brew up a sugar drenched coffee, have a slice of toast or two and suddenly you're hauled through a futuristic desert and attacked by a guy with hideous body odours - on and a giant whopping big machine gun as well.

Courtesy to GameKyo for the up.

Red Steel 2 is hitting the shops on March 26th in Europe, 3rd in North America.

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (184 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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This game is looking goooood!Smilie

Have to say, it is looking rather Epic Smilie

How about if Ubi wants to advertise this game to maybe not focus on purely game centric websites and start putting some trailers together for TV: Dave, ITV, CH4. . .
Its gotten political as far as core games and the wii is concerned and this title needs to sell badly. Nice trailer Im buying day one

This game looks so awesome. I can't wait to actually play it. The controls are just going to be incredible.

Also, advertising will be key. Just look at the release of No More Heroes 2. Zero advertising and as a result many gamers who actually were looking forward to it didn't even realize it was out. Obviously the game isn't going to see well to the masses, let alone gamers, if people who closely following the gaming industry don't realize the game is out.

I really hope it sells well just to show the execs from companies like THQ, EA, and Capcom that well developed third party games sell well on Wii. However, part of me also doubts that it would stop them from using their poorly made titles (or titles the so called core gamers don't want i.e. on rail shooters) as examples of how third party games don't sell well on Wii. Clearly selling more copies of RE4 on Wii than GameCube is an example of how bad the third party title market is, right? Wait, it's not? But Capcom sure believes so.

( Edited 18.02.2010 14:48 by Sonic_13 )

meeto_0 said:
How about if Ubi wants to advertise this game to maybe not focus on purely game centric websites and start putting some trailers together for TV: Dave, ITV, CH4. . .
Its gotten political as far as core games and the wii is concerned and this title needs to sell badly. Nice trailer Im buying day one

Definitely needs a lot of advertising space on TV, billboard, general magazines, nationwide newspapers etc - it's a big game for Wii and should do decent if they bloomin' promote it!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Shake Smile (guest) 19.02.2010#6

Its quite impressive but lots of CGI and on rails section hopefully it will be smooth and easy to use I am worried because all the enemeis look the sameSmilie

It feels like a potential buy for me. Looks good. Looks like an original title.

Always welcome Smilie

That looks really bad. It looks no way near as good as the first game. I don't think I will be getting this game

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I probably won't be getting this, however it does look promising.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Super Sonic said:
That looks really bad. It looks no way near as good as the first game. I don't think I will be getting this game

I think you're in the minority there then. This game is looking leaps ahead of the first game. The graphics are much nicer and with Wii Motion Plus, the controls are going to be a lot better. Hopefully it's not as linear as the first.

wAyNe said:

I think you're in the minority there then. This game is looking leaps ahead of the first game. The graphics are much nicer and with Wii Motion Plus, the controls are going to be a lot better. Hopefully it's not as linear as the first.

Well I could be wrong. I guess I have just seen one trailer. So maybe I shouild not be jumping to conclusions.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Have a look at some of the hands-on videos. The cel-shading style looks great and the controls look much better. The wild western style might not appeal to some though.

( Edited 19.02.2010 16:04 by wAyNe )

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