Dementium II DS Does Valentines

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.02.2010 4

Dementium II DS Does Valentines on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Not all is right in the world of Dementium, but the undead also celebrate V-Day. Renegade Kid has sent out their card.

According to, the studio felt the need to inject a little horror in a day designed for hearts and flowers with a fairly creepy card, complete with a pretty disturbing message on the inside...

"Love You to Death"... just lovely!

Image for Dementium II DS Does Valentines

Box art for Dementium II

Renegade Kid







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I call witch!!!!

Crazy box art.

I got one of these as well. My wife wents crazy - she wanted to call the police Smilie I told her to check the back of the card...but even when she saw the Dementium website address she didn't get it was a PR thing as she's not heard of the game.

Best V-day card I got this year! Smilie

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