Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Early Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.02.2010 20

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Early Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Footage from an early build of upcoming download game Sonic the Hedgehog 4 has leaked onto the internet world.

SEGA's promise to take our beloved excitable hedgehog back to his roots can be seen in the X360 edition as he pegs through a Sonic 1-inspired Green Hill Zone, past some of your favourite badnicks and through several loop-de-loops. Bare in mind it is early footage, so does seem slightly glitchy, but certainly does offer some promise.

Box art for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I





2D Platformer



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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (2 Votes)

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Smilie sega taked it down

You sure posting this as news is ok? o_o SEGA seem to be popping all over the place to try and take this down.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I call rebell time, yarr!

Spencer (guest) 17.02.2010#4

It's already been removed! Smilie

Wow, they really are fast. NINJAS! Smilie

Our member of the week

Sonic's animation is err... i don't have any words to express how much i don't like it XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

How the hell have GameVideos not had that taken down yet? o_o

Sonic's initial startup running and jumping look pretty stupid, I hope they fix it (or make it pure 2D rather than 2D with 3D bits Smilie), but his full speed animation is actually pretty awesome. I can't be the only one who thinks that?

( Edited 17.02.2010 16:14 by Lyra )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I love it how the guy who's playing this sucks at it. He refused to go on the speed ups and run through the loops correctly.

Looks promising.

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The little screenshot of the special stage in the video looks like the Sonic 1 Special Stages.

got i hope when they say early, they mean EAAARRRLLLYYYY. controls, animation and style look god aweful. well really it is obviously early with alot of bugs, but even so the stuff that looks "finished" needs to be revisited like the animations.

Anyone else notice the sprite sonic as a loading screen, and think "look, how its SUPPOST to be."

( Edited 17.02.2010 18:29 by welshwuff )

welshwuff said:
Anyone else notice the sprite sonic as a loading screen, and thing "look, how its SUPPOST to be."

I'm not happy with the animations either, but I'm ecstatic that SEGA didn't pull a MegaMan 9.

( Edited 17.02.2010 17:21 by Lyra )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I think it looks great. It's floaty, and some of the animations don't look polished, but you can't make a 3D game exactly like a sprite-based game.

Honestly, I didn't get time to focus on the running animations, I was distracted by giant, white hedgehog farts.

Those dust clouds need toning down, just, make them smaller and translucent or something! Gah!

.... this really should be sprite based, Sonic looks terrible like that.

Since this is just a Beta,you can't look that much into it. Maybe SEGA will fix the animation plus increase the running. I am looking forward to this but I might see if there is a demo first, just to see what it is like before I spend money on it.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Super Sonic said:
Since this is just a Beta,you can't look that much into it. Maybe SEGA will fix the animation plus increase the running. I am looking forward to this but I might see if there is a demo first, just to see what it is like before I spend money on it.

Since it's download there almost definitely will be a demo, on PSN and XBLA anyway.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lyra said:

Since it's download there almost definitely will be a demo, on PSN and XBLA anyway.

You don't think there will be a downlaod for the Wii Ware version?

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Super Sonic said:
You don't think there will be a downlaod for the Wii Ware version?

Are you kidding? Wiiware has only had like 4 demos ever, and they're gone already.

( Edited 18.02.2010 21:27 by Lyra )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lyra said:
Super Sonic said:
Lyra said:
Since it's download there almost definitely will be a demo, on PSN and XBLA anyway.
You don't think there will be a downlaod for the Wii Ware version?
Are you kidding? Wiiware has only had like 4 demos ever, and they're gone already.

There could be. The demos that were available this past fall were part of a trial by Nintendo. The results seem promising as there were many reports that sales increased for the games that had demos, which bodes well for getting demos for more games in the future (Sonic 4 could be one of those).

Obviously there is currently no demo feature for the Wii Shop Channel, but between now and the game's release (which is summer, right?) there is the North American/European Media Summit, GDC, and (depending on when during the summer it comes out) E3. At any of those events WiiWare demos could officially be announced (and I would guess they likely will be).

( Edited 19.02.2010 08:39 by Sonic_13 )

wAyNe said:
The little screenshot of the special stage in the video looks like the Sonic 1 Special Stages.

I much prefered the ones in sonic 3, far better in my opinion but if there bringing the ones from sonic 1 back thats gonna suck. I hated those special stages xD

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