Lyra said:
Super Sonic said:
Lyra said:
Since it's download there almost definitely will be a demo, on PSN and XBLA anyway.
You don't think there will be a downlaod for the Wii Ware version?
Are you kidding? Wiiware has only had like 4 demos ever, and they're gone already.
There could be. The demos that were available this past fall were part of a trial by Nintendo. The results seem promising as there were many reports that sales increased for the games that had demos, which bodes well for getting demos for more games in the future (Sonic 4 could be one of those).
Obviously there is currently no demo feature for the Wii Shop Channel, but between now and the game's release (which is summer, right?) there is the North American/European Media Summit, GDC, and (depending on when during the summer it comes out) E3. At any of those events WiiWare demos could officially be announced (and I would guess they likely will be).
( Edited 19.02.2010 08:39 by Sonic_13 )