Yoshio Sakamoto Speaks Metroid: Other M

By Calum Peak 04.02.2010 7

Yoshio Sakamoto Speaks Metroid: Other M on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo announced last week that Metroid: Other M would release within the year for Japan. Following talks between Famitsu and Metroid Creator Yoshio Sakamoto, a little more depth has been gathered from Sakamoto-san when pressed by the magazine during a general overview of the title.

  • "This Metroid is being developed with the aim of the ideal form of the old Metroid," said Sakamoto. Team Ninja's know-how is being put to use in creating the Metroid world and in moving the "2D jump action game" into "3D action." Sakamoto believes the quality will fully satisfy players.
  • "However, different from the rest of the series, this time we're strongly depicting the human side of Samus through such things as movies. She's a strong woman, but she also has a fragile side. We want to make a game whose charms can be felt from the story areas and these human touches as well. It's an action game, but it's capable of having a clear emotional side."

Metroid: Other M seems to be shaping up nicely, but Nintendo are guarding the information closely and are not letting anything slip until they are ready. What is interesting from this small clip of information is that the story is based more around Samus's human side, compared to the previous hard bounty hunter of past titles. This well may be the title fans have been looking for and they should be sure to keep checking back with the Teaser Site for any new updates.

How does this information change your view on Metroid: Other M? And will the series benefit from more of Samus's back story?

Box art for Metroid: Other M

Team Ninja







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But the 2D Metroids weren't simply "2D jump action games" - they featured exploration and finding hidden powerups. I am still somewhat skeptical about this game, even though I am sure it will be fun (Ninja Gaiden was very fun). I don't want them to develop Samus into something that counters my existing views of her character.

As long as the action part does not mean the "no exploration part" I'm all in. Metroid fusion on gba was the best 2d metroid and was so incredibly well done, but mostly because of that exploration part.

Still, I think this game is going to be very good. Consider me very interested Smilie

I love this guy, because he developed Super and Fusion, the two best Metroid games, and two of the best games ever.

But the 2D Metroids weren't simply "2D jump action games" - they featured exploration and finding hidden powerups.

Don't you think Sakamoto know this better than anyone? Fusion came like 5 years after Super yet he was still better with hidden stuff than Retro ever were!

I don't want them to develop Samus into something that counters my existing views of her character.

Samus is, for all intents and purposes, a "beautiful character", in every meaning of the word, as reflected especially in Fusion. I'm sure they just want to bring this out and make the fans think Samus deserves to be up there as one of the greatest game heroes of all time.

Metroid fusion on gba was the best 2d metroid and was so incredibly well done, but mostly because of that exploration part.


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The Prime serious already was the perfect 3D adoption of the 2D games. Like mario and zelda, it was how to transform 2d>>3d without losing the essence.

If they are just doing the same thing, they shouldn't bother at all.
I'm happy for new ideas and directions...but these sorts of quotes just smell of trying to say the right thing to fans. Lets see how its different not "the same but with story!" or whatever.

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Darkflame said:
The Prime serious already was the perfect 3D adoption of the 2D games. Like mario and zelda, it was how to transform 2d>>3d without losing the essence.

Clearly not, because I love 2D/3D Mario, and I love 2D/3D Zelda, and I love 2D Metroid, but I really don't like 3D Metroid.

If 3D Metroid was a perfect adoption, why don't I like it?

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Toon SuperLink said:If 3D Metroid was a perfect adoption, why don't I like it?

Maybe because it's in first person, where-as Mario and Zelda are in third person? Alot of people liked the change, where-as some didn't.

And many didn't play a Metroid game before Prime.

Stulaw said:
Maybe because it's in first person, where-as Mario and Zelda are in third person? Alot of people liked the change, where-as some didn't.

Which is why it's not perfect. If it was it should appease to every reason people even liked the 2D games. Prime lacks hidden passages and weapons, Prime lacks a good plot, and it's slow paced.

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