Monster Hunter Tri Changes and Additions for EU Version

By Calum Peak 03.02.2010 9

Monster Hunter Tri Changes and Additions for EU Version on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the announcement that Nintendo's Wii speak would feature exclusively in Monster Hunter Tri in a recent conference at London's Science Museum, there where also talks regarding a plethora of updates for feature content of the localised EU version compared to Japan's Original.

  • New Weapon called the 'Switch Axe' transforms between sword and axe and is able to pull off impressive combos.
  • Some weapons will only be acquired through on-line community based competition such as the switch axe "Sinister Saint"
  • No friend codes, players can hop into on-line and add people to rosters to play later.
  • DLC for added on-line quests, monsters and items which shall be released on a schedule.
  • "Thinking Hard" about the Pay and Play situation and are currently still talking/negotiating with Nintendo

With these improvements over the Japanese version, does the game seem more appealing? And are you looking forward to the upcoming release in April 2010?

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (26 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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After seeing the effort that went into improving Tat vs. Cap, it's great to see lots of effort going into the Western release of this as well.

Thanks for the update, Cal.

Readers can look forward to a hands-on with the game from both Cal and Stu, plus blog entries. Keep your eyes peeled for those! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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julleget (guest) 03.02.2010#2

No friend codes! Yahoo!

There better not be any subscriptions or I would seriously consider not purchasing the game. Pay for DLC would be fine, though. But I don't want to pay to play online.

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This game is all about online and if it's not for free, then no, i won't be buying it.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

If it's a small online fee, say �£5-�£10 a year, and you're constantly getting new quests and DLC every week/month, then it's definitely worth it.

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There's no way I'm going to pay to play online. I'd pay for DLC, sure.

Also, I read on the Nintendo website that splitscreen multiplayer is only a stadium-like thing? So no world-exploring together like you can online??

Canyarion said:
There's no way I'm going to pay to play online. I'd pay for DLC, sure.

Also, I read on the Nintendo website that splitscreen multiplayer is only a stadium-like thing? So no world-exploring together like you can online??

No, and the online has a different village as a hub aswell, but the splitscreen is fun, me and Cal have a joint hands on you'll be able to check out later. I wish I could take video's in the gameplay lobby though, the staff wouldn't allow it Smilie.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Mmm, if it's Pay to play it would have to be something like $1 a month or pay $10 for a whole year in order for it to work since most people don't like paying a subscription fee on consoles...

Dan (guest) 05.04.2010#9

free online kk dont worry wii fans!

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