Reggie: New Zelda Wii Title Has To Be Perfect

By 13.01.2010 11

Reggie: New Zelda Wii Title Has To Be Perfect on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking on the Nintendo Weekly Show (via Youtube), President and Chief Operating Officer Reggie Fils-Aime stated the company will be taking its time with the upcoming Zelda title for Wii, and that it won't see a release until it's 'perfect'.

After being asked about what to expect on Zelda Wii he said:

Right now, it's still in development. But the key message that Mr. Miyamoto and Mr. Aonuma is telling us is that it really has to be perfect when it launches. That really is what the Zelda fan is expecting.

So for all of those Zelda fans out there right now, I would say enjoy The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and know that the Zelda title for Wii is going to come out when it's perfect.
-Reggie Fils-Aime

The Video includes other games to expect this year such as Red Steel 2 and Fragile Dreams.

Do you think Zelda Wii will live up to your expectations? Does it have to be perfect?

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I think it will be a great game, but my expectations are different than anyone else's (sp?) expectations.

I don't think he means perfect as in it'll live up to whatever everyone wants it to be... that would just be silly. By perfect, he's more likely referring to it being perfect in that the game functions perfectly at what it as a lone game is out to accomplish. For example, a lot of people were upset that Twilight Princess was so massive, yet offered so very little to do in terms of exploration and side-quests, rendering the epic scale of Hyrule to little more than great scenery when going from point A to point B. If the future Zelda game can avoid such issues, I could see having grounds to call it, in that sense at least, a perfect game. They're basically saying they won't release it until it's finished, and completely fleshed-out and what the development team wants it to be.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Really, I'm in no rush to get a new Zelda game. I still have a backwater of other games to play! Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

It's just Reggie being asked by some nobody and giving a response that bears absolutely NO reference to development. It's such a vague comment, simply because he was put on the spot...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Not perfect but damn good.

For once I agree with Reggie. No matter how long it takes them, even if it's delayed for months and months, they cannot release a game with flawed motion/pointer controls or waggle.

If there is even one part of the game where I would honestly rather use a regular controller instead, then they've failed what they set out to do.

I don't want to play a failure.

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Is it just me, or does anybody else feel like clubbing her head in with a baseball bat?

I don't know why anybody listens to Reggie. He's just some spin doctor who continually spouts non-comittal corporate drivel.

Guest 13.01.2010#8

I would like to make a romance inside of that woman, but only if she let me, not with force.

And Reginald Loves-Sons gets the prize for saying nothing with lots of words again. Well done.

Mush (guest) 13.01.2010#9

I think what he's saying is it won't be out till 2011...

I think a new Mario, Metroid and Zelda in one year may be just too much to ask, regardless of how perfect it sounds!

Toon SuperLink said:

If there is even one part of the game where I would honestly rather use a regular controller instead, then they've failed what they set out to do.

I don't want to play a failure.

So something could be the best game ever made, yet still a failure if one bit of it fails?

Seems quite unfair to me that.

In fact, if the new Zelda is as experimental and as different as Id hope, Id say its darn likely plenty of bits wont be perfect. Thats the price of being revolutionary, and its one well worth paying.

So, yeah, I'm happy to have bits of the game not working as well as normal controls, provided the majority of the game works vastly better because of motion plus...doing stuff that regular controls would suck at, or plan couldn't do at all.

Nothing will ever be perfect..gaming is always evolving and developers are always learning.
All that we should ask is that its only released when its as best as it could reasonably be asked to be for the price we have paid and the time we have waited. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
So something could be the best game ever made, yet still a failure if one bit of it fails?

Seems quite unfair to me that.

If something as important to the game as the motion control fails? I\'d say that\'s a pretty big deal. I can\'t say a game with flawed motion control could be the best game ever made; especially if people think it could control better with a regular controller.

Don\'t you see what I\'m getting at? Motion control is a great idea because it should compliment games, make them better, not just be a gimmick forever that replaces button presses with simple waggle gestures.

If Zelda Wii is released and people are left with the feeling that the motion controls really haven\'t added to the game in a way that can\'t be done with a controller, (something most gamers are more comfortable with), then yes, I would consider it a failure.

I\'m sure Miyamoto will consider it a failure too, which is why it probably won\'t happen. At the worst we\'ll have a few mini games that suck/don\'t work.

( Edited 13.01.2010 19:59 by Toon SuperLink )

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