Square Enix is set to update its budget line of titles over in Japan with some high profile RPG titles for the DS. The Ultimate Hits range has sold over 2.5 million units in Japan so far, showing how popular a budget-range can be, making it even more unusual that Nintendo dropped its Player's Choice line-up.
The latest games to be added will arrive in Japan on 4th March, 2010 for around half the regular retail price of when the games initially were launched. But what is being included? Three Dragon Quest titles and a Final Fantasy one. Check out the details below:
- Dragon Quest IX: Defenders of the Starry Sky (Original Release: 11th July, 2009, Sales: 4.15 million)
- Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen (Original Release: 22nd November, 2007, Sales: 1.2 million
- Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (Original Release: 17th July, 2008, Sales: 1.18 million)
- Final Fantasy IV (Original Release: 20th December, 2007, Sales: 0.65 million)