Chronos Twins for Wii Dated in US

By Adam Riley 04.01.2010

Chronos Twins for Wii Dated in US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Updated - EnjoyUp has contacted Cubed3 to reveal that Chronos Twins will also be coming to DSiWare at a so far unspecified date this year.

Original Story - Spanish developer EnjoyUp Games has just confirmed that the release date for its new title 'Chronos Twins DX' is 11th January, 2010 for the North American market. The team has also unveiled a brand new trailer of the game in action, which can be seen below. The game is a WiiWare update of its popular DS product that never got released in the US. Now it has its first chance to impress US gamers, and hopefully a PAL/European release will not be too long after.

Check out the trailer below:

Are readers looking forward to this, or is Konami's Reflection on DSiWare more of a hot prospect now?

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