Akitoshi Kawazu, producer for Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, recently talked Wii and motion control.
Kawazu praised the Wii's balance of graphic ability and memory, but a challenge to integrate the Wii's unique input style with its various functions. However the team does feel Crystal Bearers does utilise the "platform’s unique characteristics to its fullest potential."
He also talked motion sensing and how it would take some time to move over to motion controls for games that have worked with traditional schemes.
I think the more knowledge that the developing side acquires, the better motion control games they will be able to make, so there is definitely a lot of potential there. However, many players are still more comfortable with traditional controls, and years of gameplay have gone into perfecting their techniques.It would probably take some time for motion controls to be of equal status with a control system that has such history. It’s something to consider, but I don’t think it will ever be a simple task to transition the series to different platforms simply because they have the motion control functionality.
Thanks to Destructioid.