Infinite Space Nintendo DS Sequel Coming?

By Adam Riley 28.12.2009 13

Infinite Space Nintendo DS Sequel Coming? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a recent interview with Platinum Games' Atsushi Inaba, a potential Infinite Space DS sequel was discussed. The team, formerly known as Clover Studio when under Capcom's care, has so far worked on the highly praised MadWorld for Wii and Bayonetta for PS3 and Xbox 360. Now, though, it is gearing up for the Western release of its science-fiction RPG for the DS, Infinite Space, and promotional work is well and truly underway.

After discussing the finer details of the game in depth, towards the end of the interview there is the inevitable question of whether or not a sequel will ever see the light of day. Considering sales were so strong in Japan that stock supplies were wiped out so quickly SEGA was not able to get enough extra copies onto shelves to meet the demand, clearly Japanese gamers are eager for more. However, as Inaba-san points out, the worldwide reaction to the game is very important, plus it would be up to IP-owner SEGA to make the final decision on such a move:

Gamespot: Is there scope for an Infinite Space sequel or perhaps a series?

Platinum Games' Atsushi Inaba, Producer of Infinite Space: If we had a chance we would love to make a sequel. There is no meaning to making original titles if we don’t make sequels/series from what we learned in developing the new IP. However, this is only after we receive good feedback from the market. Above all, Sega is the IP holder so it’s up to them.

As for what the team is now working on in general, Inaba-san was coy, merely stating "We're working to provide titles full of originality, and to bring the market a pleasant surprise."

Are you looking forward to Infinite Space and would you like to see Platinum Games make it into a full-blown series of games?

Box art for Infinite Space

Nude Maker




Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

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I think this game has a tremendous amount of potential, but I can\'t say until I play it whether or not it fully lives up to that. Even if the game is good, though, that doesn\'t mean it needs a sequel. From what I gathered it\'s trying to have a pretty serious and in-depth storyline that deals with pretty large-scale themes, and if that\'s the case then a sequel might dilute the lasting impact of the story; c.f. any Final Fantasy game that\'s ever had a sequel. But we\'ll see soon enough.

( Edited 28.12.2009 03:35 by gatotsu911 )

Madworld hasn\'t bee that highly praised by critics or gamers, only PG\'s 360 Bayonetta has. (PS3 version rightfully highlighted by critics - lackluster Sega port)

I hope the first makes it to the West along with any possible sequel.

( Edited 29.12.2009 16:52 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Guest 29.12.2009#3

Squidboy, did you check metacritic? Or which critics are you talking about?

To be perfectly honest. no, I care little about how games score over there, their system is flawed. I wouldn't be surprised to find a bunch of sites I've never heard about bumping Madworld's overall score with ratings in the 80's and 90's. And this despite the game having many flaws and being plain dull.

Now that that hype is died down, I think the common consensus is that the game is severely lacking.

I only really take notice of Eurogamer reviews, they rarely give into this BS hype that surrounds games. I recall they gave teh game a 70.

As a owner of the game on Japanese 360, Bayonetta is well worthy of the praise it's receiving, Inaba's Madworld on the other hand, is far from worthy of any praise, apart from art design. Gamelay wise it's dull/

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Now that that hype is died down, I think the common consensus is that the game is severely lacking.

If you don't pay attention to any site other than Eurogamer, how can you know anything about the common consensus?

I never played Madworld, but I always thought it was well liked by both gamers and the press.

Guest 29.12.2009#6

I'm not commenting on if the game is worthy of any praise, but to say only unknown critics have been praising it is false.

If you check metacritic, the game got high marks from sites like 1UP, GameInformer, IGN, Nintendo Power and Cubed3. I think all of them scored it 9 or above. That's high praise in my book.

Anyway, I'm not interested in the game. After the initial emotion of 'Hey that looks brutally awesome', my brain began operating again and it didn't seem all that great.


I mean in respect to reviews.

Since the games launch, I\'ve heard ample on many sites about the games brain dead AI and dull gameplay, the latter of which mainly consists of arena battles and minigame events.

( Edited 29.12.2009 17:30 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Potterpal (guest) 21.03.2010#8

Yes a sequal would be very good because of the ending leaving plot holes and leaving it kind of ambiguous

Rafael (guest) 02.05.2010#9

I i'm portuguese and even I couldn't stop notice this game...(Yes in Portugal games come very late and i only passed the game yesterday, with 40 hours of gameplay)

It was the best fundamented, science base accurate, intriguing story.
When i say i would kill for a 2nd IS i'm not lying because i would really kill.
this game was the best i ever played, it "kidnaped" me from Pókemon wich i'm an unconditional fan.
But still i'm sad the by the way the story ended. It left a hole in my heart wich i'm trying to fill with my imagination, with no satisfatory results...So please can you give me sega's email so i write them my opinion??

Rorie (guest) 09.10.2010#10

pleeeease god let them make a sequel! i must have played the game about 25 times now, i just cant get enough of it! Smilie
i cant really see how they could make a sequel, but i hope they try lol

ben (guest) 25.07.2011#11

or they could also make one where you are valentin and you have to fight your way to the top

Graham (guest) 20.08.2011#12

A valentin-based version could be a lot of fun...
The game left me incredibly curious about what happened between him and Taranis. Also, making a sequel that takes place after Yuri's exploits could work. It would need entirely new systems and areas and whatnot...

Another idea would be elaborating on Cico's character (Oisin always confused me, even after I beat the game a few times. I'm now pretty sure he's just Cico's brother in law trying to take the throne.)

Whatever happens, that battle system needs at least a little fixing. It's overcomplicated for beginners, and easy to exploit for experienced players.

Infinite space is one of my three favorite games ever, and I really look forward to filling in some of the backstory.

Infinitespaceftw (guest) 26.10.2011#13

Probably the greatest game on the DS. The combat is pretty weak (think pokemon) but the story and gameplay overall are just great...really great.

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