Square Enix Brings LostWinds 2 to Japan

By Adam Riley 23.12.2009

Square Enix Brings LostWinds 2 to Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Frontier Developments has announced a further partnership with Square Enix to publish one of the best WiiWare games of 2009, LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias, in Japan and Asia. The game was released in Japan yesterday on 22nd December, 2009 and follows the massive success of the original in those territories, again thanks to the strong support of Square Enix.

Illustrating the widespread acknowledgement of the game as one of the better Wii titles - disc or download - LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias was rated as No.8 in the Metacritic chart of Wii titles for the year and is the only WiiWare game to feature in the Top 10 alongside established franchises like Tiger Woods, Guitar Hero and Metroid Prime.

"We're very pleased to be joining forces again with Square Enix to bring the sequel to gamers in Japan and Asia. We're excited to see gamers' reaction to the incredible new gameplay mechanics such as Season Switching, the all-new, expansive, beautiful settings and the story of Toku and Enril the Wind Spirit's and adventure to save Toku's mother."
- David Braben, Chairman and Founder of Frontier UK.

Cubed3 gave LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias a hearty recommendation, scoring it 9/10 back at the start of November and stating it was "a marvel to play through." Cubed3's Mike Mason and Adam Riley were also lucky enough to interview David Braben about the game at Nintendo's special WiiWare event in September. Be sure to check that out here as well.

For those who have yet to downloaded LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias yet, you can head over to http://www.frontier.co.uk for a chance to win a free copy of the game!

Is this LostWinds sequel up there in the running for your Game of the Year 2009?

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