Green Day Jam with EA in Rock Band

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.12.2009 3

Green Day Jam with EA in Rock Band on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After releasing The Beatles: Rock Band, EA and Harmonix are teaming up with Green Day to bring a string of punk rock hits to the living room.

The game will see a release on all current-gen consoles next year, complete with the trio's likenes, collection of various singles and album tracks as well as various inspirational material from various artists.

PS3/Xbox 360 owners can export the full set list to Rock Band 1 and 2, yet Wii owners will oddly not be able to share tunes across past editions.

Fan of Green Day? Will you be grabbing hold of this edition of Rock Band or is it another cash-in?

Box art for Green Day: Rock Band








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Fan of Green Day? Will you be grabbing hold of this edition of Rock Band or is it another cash-in

Well.. of course it\'s a cash-in.. it\'s made by EA! But, another cash-in? I sense some bias against the series or developer, heh.

Beatles \"not Rock Band originally, but called Rock Band after some marketing speeches\" was a decent departure from the norm of music-based rhythm games, I see no problem with making others of iconic bands.

I doubt I\'ll be buying Green Day Rock Band based on my opinion of the band, they\'re alright, but they\'re not \"fourty quid on another game\" alright. It will be interesting to see how they mimic the Beatles: RB formula, if they even do, because apparently these tracks are exportable. Not being a Green Day buff, I don\'t really know what locations, eras and specific costumes exist.

The Beatles: RB has the luxury of films, a different decade and their own fashion.. oh, and genre defining music too, that helps. No, that\'s not a slight at Green Day\'s expense!

I do wonder though, since Green Day are still around, what do you call the end of the game? Perhaps they should cut it short before the newest album..

( Edited 15.12.2009 16:38 by TimoteiWest )

No I won't. I like Green day, but since there is no exporting option for Wii (which is just pure bull since EA decided to release Rock Band 2 without the option and it could have easily approached Nintendo about patching said function by use of the Green Day disc.

So, no buy from me. Maybe a rental or two but that's it.

I don't have a single Rock Band game, I find Guitar Hero to be superior in almost every way, but this may make me change my mind. Band-themed games are usually a good idea; I don't have Rock Band because there are maybe three songs in it that I a. care about and b. can't already play in GH; but Green Day is one of my favorite bands. Can't wait to see the setlist on this, and I'm definitely excited. Not sure if I'm excited enough to buy the RB instruments (or do the GH ones work with Rock Band? I don't even know, lol.) But again, this might sway me over into Rock Band territory after all.

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