Zelda Producer: 'Ocarina Not That Good'

By Adam Riley 30.11.2009 2

Zelda Producer:

In quite a shocking revelation, Eiji Aonuma has gone on record to state he believes The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has not aged as well as people think, with nostalgia giving it far more credit today than it really deserves.

He goes on to say that any of the newer Zelda iterations have already surpassed the Nintendo 64 Action RPG that many deem one of the best games of all time.

Below is an excerpt of what he said in a recent interview:

It's complicated. Past things belong to our memories, and they grow bigger in there. If you play Ocarina of Time nowadays, you notice that it's not that good. Sometimes it doesn't move as fast as it should, graphics aren't as beautiful as they should be; there are some confusing parts... Any present Zelda is technically superior. Everything goes faster, more fluid... but to best Ocarina of Time, a great change �"comparable to what happened back then- must be introduced. And that'll be rather complicated.

There were a lot of things we couldn't do [with Ocarina of Time] due to technical limitations. But I think we've been solving those issues with every Zelda since then. With each entry, I've tried to add things I couldn't do before. Actually, it's like I've been remaking it during these years. So if you ask me if there's going to be a Zelda remake... I thought I was making it all this time! So it maybe I haven't done well enough, I haven't been up to the expected level.

Later in the article, he also pointed out that he and Shigeru Miyamoto finally seem to be on the same wavelength, saying "He notices things I'd never see. After this time, our visions are starting to match up more and more. However, I have a lot more left to try to reach his level."

Do you feel his comments about Ocarina of Time are justified?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





Action Adventure



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I agree, actualy.
Ocarina seems so amazing because it was so revolutionary.
But for me Majoras Mask and Twlight Princess are much better in terms of gameplay and story. (Midna>>>navi)

They dont create the same impact because they were only small steps up,however. Thats why oot was amazing..it was sooooo far ahead of other games at that time.

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I agree that OoT was way ahead of every other game of the era whilst TP isn't, but I don't agree that OoT isn't that good. OoT has aged pretty well and is still a great game for first time players today; the character cast is overall more memorable than any recent Zeldas too.

Midna is a great character but one great character does not = lots of good characters. You will not find the likes of Malon, Saria, Ruto or Mido in TP, just Midna and a few kids that barely stand out from the sea of NPCs.

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