Nintendo Pondering New Wii Music

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.11.2009 2

Nintendo Pondering New Wii Music on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Wii Music may return to pleasure, or haunt, Wii owners a second time round, says Nintendo veteran Shigeru Miyamoto in an interview.

Speaking to Official Nintendo Magazine (ONM) in an upcoming issue, the founder of the waggle music project revealed that despite low sales and a very select number of fans, there may still be a place for the not-so-traditional franchise.

I think it sold lower than our expectations but on the other hand it was a really unique game, I have to say. And also, even today, we are receiving several different offers from people in the field of music education, so as far as Wii Music is concerned, I think is still has great potential. And in the future there might be some developments.

Although there has been some discussion and ideas thrown about, Nintendo aren't ready to announce anything just yet. There may even be a "Wii Music Plus" expansion in the future, and like Wii Fit Plus would offer some light improvements, refinements and additions.

Would you like to see Wii Music make a return? If so, how would you improve the setup?

Box art for Wii Music








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I swear this crashed and burnt epically?

what a rubbish concept. This was waggling at it most pointless. Midi cheap crap waggle fest rubbish. For what it was it took far too long to come out. Sold too many for what it was. Leave it to band and guitar hero. They know what they are doing.

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