1966 Nintendo Toy Dons WiiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.11.2009 2

1966 Nintendo Toy Dons WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo recently surprise Japanese Club Nintendo members with an exclusive WiiWare download based on a 1966 toy.

The Ultrahand was a toy Nintendo and GameBoy creator Gunpei Yokoi crafted over 40 years ago, letting kids attempt to grab far-away objects. It's since made an appearance in DS game Wario: Master of Disguise, and now has its own fully-fledged title.

Ultrahand is now available for 50 Club Nintendo points, letting players grab grilled meat - as much as you can in 90 seconds with combos boosting the grill's firepower. Tasty! There's even a cookoff mode where two players compete for the most grill meat.

Thanks to Siliconera.

Box art for Grill-Off with Ultra Hand!








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It was in WarioWare: Touched! aswell.

I want a real one.

I got bored of it by the end of the trailer....waste of points =/
Though 50 is about the points you get for buying 2 games so it's not too bad I guess...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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