Interview | Dragon Quest Wars (Nintendo DS)

By Adam Riley 06.11.2009 1

Intelligent Systems is renowned within the Gaming Industry as being the Nintendo-owned team that created the Advance Wars strategy series, the Fire Emblem role-playing games, as well as the Paper Mario set of turn-based adventures. Square Enix is most famous for its Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest brands. Recently the two teams got together to work on a new DSiWare product called 'Dragon Quest Wars', which marries traditional Dragon Quest settings with an Advance Wars feel. Cubed3 was given to chance to catch up with the Producer of the project, Taichi Inuzuka to find out more about this coming together of talent for the game.
Image for Interview | Dragon Quest Wars (Nintendo DS)

Image for Interview | Dragon Quest Wars (Nintendo DS)Cubed3's Adam Riley: How did Intelligent Systems get involved with the Dragon Quest franchise?

Taichi Inuzuka (Producer for Dragon Quest Wars): It has long been my hope to create a simulation game with DRAGON QUEST, but it has been difficult to put things together. However, this time, we could partner with Intelligent Systems which has a proven track record with simulation games, and the plan came together nicely.

AR: How closely did Square Enix work with Intelligent Systems, and was Yuji Horii involved with the game?

Inuzuka-san: It is kind of difficult to express how much, but we worked and co-ordinated pretty closely with the Intelligent Systems team. Also, we asked Mr. Yuji Horii to supervise the overall project. There are so many points that became better and easier to play through because of his advice!

AR: What are the various multiplayer modes on offer and how do they work? Also, what is there for single players to do?

Inuzuka-san: There are the one-on-one battle and survival modes for both wireless and Wi-Fi Connection play. In the one-on-one battle mode, it is easier to read your opponent's moves, and the battles end faster. In the survival mode, since you will battle against three other opponents, there are more chances for unexpected things to occur, and you can aim to score an upset victory even against advanced players. Wordless communication and co-operation with other users will be the big key to winning.

AR: Can you please explain how the magic cards system works?

Inuzuka-san: All monsters have three different abilities, and you can choose one ability per monster after you move. MP isn't consumed when you use magic, and you can cast a spell each round. There are abilities such as attack, magic, stand-by and healing. Attack, magic and healing will generally activate faster, and the stand-by ability will activate as a reaction against an opponent's move.

AR: Is there a storyline to tie everything together and is the range of monsters selected from any particular Dragon Quest game?

Inuzuka-san: Since we wanted this game to be one where users play its system purely, we did not prepare a specific story this time round. Monsters were not selected from a particular DRAGON QUEST title, but from the entire series. We selected them based on recognition among users and their attack balances.

Image for Interview | Dragon Quest Wars (Nintendo DS)AR: How many maps are included, and do they represent memorable places from the Dragon Quest world?

Inuzuka-san: Similarly to the question about the story, since we wanted players to enjoy playing its system purely, we did not use any maps from past DQ series.

AR: How well has the game done in Japan so far? Has it done well enough to justify making a Dragon Quest Wars 2?

Inuzuka-san: We've received many positive comments from players who are enjoying the in-depth strategy, mixed with simple gameplay. Regarding a sequel and additional content in the future, we would definitely consider it if we receive much demand from users!

AR: If this new Dragon Quest series is successful enough, will you consider making a full DS or Wii retail version?

Inuzuka-san: As I roughly answered in the previous question, regarding any potential sequel (s) or additional content, we are certainly considering it, but it all comes down to whether or not we receive sufficient demand from users.

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Have any C3'ers played Dragon Quest Wars yet? I've only played it for a short while, but from I like what I've seen so far. It would be pretty damn cool if Square Enix and Intelligent Systems worked together again to expand the concept further...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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