Stop Stress With Abylight and WiiWare

By Mike Mason 05.11.2009 5

Stop Stress With Abylight and WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Spanish independent development Abylight, in conjunction with Jungleland, have announced a new WiiWare title, Stop Stress: A Day Of Fury. They've previously released Fish 'Em All on the download platform, but their latest offering looks to be a tad more action-based to say the least.

The poor 'hero' of the piece, Jack, is a man sick of the urban life. What do you do when it feels like your blood pressure is so high that you might just burst? You pursue a Zen lifestyle. How do you achieve it? Pick up a variety of implements, from slippers to bats to axes, and destroy everything around you, of course! Sadly, that 'everything' just so happens to include living, evil toasters, vengeful cops and gorillas... To progress through the game, players must smash up everything around them through the four chaotic scenarios.

"Stop Stress: A Day of Fury is the perfect antidote for the modern, urban, stressed out gamer", said Nacho Garcia, producer at Abylight, "You will experience the highs and lows of a manic world, as you move from one crazy encounter to another".

"With its frantic game play, manic enemies and vibrant environments, Stop Stress: A Day of Fury is the perfect game to be born out of our Jungleland, said Manu Ruperez from Jungleland, "We look forward to it becoming one of the cult hits of the year.

Stop Stress: A Day Of Fury is rated PEGI +12 and will be available on the Wii Shop Channel in the near future. For now, check out the screens and trailer below...

Box art for Stop Stress: A Day of Fury








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Guest 05.11.2009#1

Looks absolutely fantastic.

*Rubs hands with Glee*

This'll be my relief from bastard Argos customers then. Goody. Smilie

Smilie It looks rather good, I thought. I'll keep my eye on this.

This looks as if it has serious potential!

I'd say that it probably needs to move along sightly faster than the pace in the video suggested.

However it would be great to see some Serious Sam-esque Gameplay on the good-old white (and now black) box!

May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.

Now all we need is a release date and a price point to start budgeting for it on the near future.

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