Debut Shadow Walker WiiWare Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.10.2009 4

Debut Shadow Walker WiiWare Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Last week Gamearts popped up a new video for its upcoming WiiWare project, Shadow Walker.

Shadow Walker: Kage no Shonen to Hikari no Yosei "Shadow Boy and Fairy of Light" follows the tale of a fairy known as Popo who helps a tree fairy, Rukusu, find the perfect place to grow into a tree. If sunlight hits Rukusu, he'll start to transform so it's down to Popo to keep his new friend in the shadows.

Box art for The Magic Obelisk
Also known as

Shadow Walker: Kage no Shounen to Hikari no Yousei


Game Arts


Game Arts





C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Looks like it might be nice for my baby brother. Which I don't have.

Canyarion said:
Looks like it might be nice for my baby brother. Which I don't have.

I know exactly what you mean Smilie

No Cheesed (guest) 21.10.2009#3

He looks a bit... camp. He is a fairy though so I'll give him the bfd.

I don't even need to watch that to know I'll be getting it. Gamearts are fantastic. Smilie

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